
2019/09/21 #

Today’s links:

  • YouTube removes verification status and predictably users go #

  • Latest iOS major release has some bugs, probably best to wait for the update with fixes due for next #

  • Disclosing new data to our archive of information operations - Seems like the big bad in this space is to use networks of fake accounts, but it's kind of confusing as to what is allowed and what is not allowed, and I wonder over time aren't the people doing this just going to use this data as feedback to improve their networks and tactics? Maybe it would be better to improve the other side of the #

  • Meet the Bots that Help Moderate Stack Overflow - It is interesting that SO is using a lot of bots to help with the giant amount of data they have to process and moderate, and it’s definitely cool that they are publishing the code open source (at least some of them have MIT license), but I worry about these sorts of bot armies, once they are all finely tuned what’s to stop them being repurposed and used in other perhaps more controversial use cases? #

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