How ssh port became 22 - I love how straight forward things were back in the day, what a different world we live in #
2019/10/25 #
Today’s links:
www. is not deprecated - I'm amazed that I failed to see that www is just another subdomain that essentially makes it clear that at the end of the url is a web server, and I make good use of subdomains - I think it stems from the fact that I learnt not to use www several years before I learnt what subdomains were, so I never thought about it again - As the article rightly points out, there are many other types of servers that can run on the internet and can and do use other subdomains for example email often uses mx. - Anyway subdomains are very cool :) #
The real quantum supremacy race is between China and the US - I’d like to see 1 single application of quantum computing that would make the world a better place, so far what I’ve seen is that a cat gif would have more positive impact on planet earth than all this fancy quantum computing #
Embed Neovim in your browser - turn any website textarea into a vim by connecting to headless neovim installed on your computer, so you can for example edit your github comments using #
Pretty cool looking site for an analogue synthesizer, kind of surprised it's just plain javascript and jquery/jquery-ui under the #