
2020/01/12 #

Today’s links:

  • Notes on algorithms - A look at big O notation for search am sorting algorithms with examples in pseudocode, C and #

  • Interesting review from Peter Levels of a retweet giveaway promotion experiment he did on #

  • RIchard Stallman - “If we don't want US companies to censor for China, the US should forbid companies that censor for China to do business in the US” #

  • How to build an OpenStack alternative - Step 1, the prototype - Interesting to see what shape a bare bones implementation of a hosting provider type system looks #

  • Jamie Oliver opens in Bangkok - how will Thais take to his fusion food? - I’ve always liked Jamie Oliver’s approach to life and the work he did with school food in the UK, also his restaurants helping the youth find a place in the work force, it’s pretty cool to see he’s opening restaurants in Asia, he always seems to take on difficult challenges, and very often with great results, I’m interested to see how he approaches this new #

  • The Netherlands’ government officially drops ‘Holland’ nickname to avoid confusion with #

  • Goodbye, Clean Code - Some good advice in this story by Dan Abramov about being a programmer within a #

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