
2020/02/02 #

Test Post Written Using Github

Just a quick test to see if it's possible to write a blog post directly in Github.

Usually when you push to Github using git, it triggers Jekyll to rebuild the static site, but I don't know if that happens if you save the file directly to the repo without a push. Based on this stack overflow post looks like it probably doesn't but figured I would test it out just in case.

Update 1: It worked! My first attempt didn't work because I forgot the .md file extension, once I got the file name right, the build was automatically triggered. Saving the file now should result in another build which will add this update.

Update 2: The update resulted in a site build too :)

Update 3: However I now see that though there is an edit button for files that already exist, there is no "create new file" button in the mobile version of :( #

Today’s links:

  • The Dark Side of Microservices - I think the best point this article highlights is how complicated debugging becomes because often you have to setup a debugger in lots of different projects simultaneously, it's already a bit annoying with a website/api double monolith, so having even more debugger sessions open at once would be really #

  • How to force GitHub Pages build? - I'm trying to figure out a way write Github Pages blog posts from an iOS device, but it's not clear how to trigger the site build once you've written the post using the Github web UI, feels like this should be #

  • The Scroll subscription service is an ingenious web technology hack - This new service sounds pretty cool, but I don't get how it's implemented because according to the article it sets a cookie that websites you visit can see and then not display ads, but as far as I know cookies are not cross domain for security reasons, cannot read cookies set by, I don't get it maybe they are magic #

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