
2020/04/27 #

Today’s links:

  • If Andromeda Were Brighter, This is What You’d See - Andromeda is the closest galaxy to our galaxy the Milky Way, the to-scale drawings in this article are mind blowing, also I did not know we were on a collision course, though that will happen in a very very long #

2020/04/26 #

Today’s links:

  • Interesting piece that looks at how well positioned Netflix is right now in comparison to a lot of the studios, they operate in a very different way which has resulted in them having already shot a lot of their productions well in #

2020/04/25 #

Today’s links:

  • Shell productivity tips and tricks - Lots of handy shortcuts for making your shell sessions more like being in vi/ #

  • How the Voyager Golden Records Work - Great podcast episode to listen to on a Saturday #

  • Steps to secure AWS Serverless - Lambda - Setting up your lambdas and associated resources can be a little complex, this article does a good job of clarifying the process with some illustrative architecture #

  • JavaScript the Hard Parts - Asynchronous JavaScript - I found this video a few weeks ago while looking to refresh my knowledge on how the javascript event loop functions, I really recommend spending the time to watch it, Will Sentance CEO of CodeSmith and the classroom lecturer in the video, has a very entertaining and somewhat old school british style of teaching, with a perfect balance of humour, repetition over difficult parts, and light interaction with a live online audience, the whole thing has a sort of effortless, improv quality about it, while dissecting the difficult parts of javascript with precision and mastery - It takes a little while to get started, give it a chance and watch the whole thing when you are not in a hurry :) #

2020/04/24 #

Today’s links:

  • Elon Musk announces plans for Starlink internet - “Private beta begins in ~3 months, public beta in ~6 months, starting with high latitudes” #

  • Netflix blows away new subscriber expectations - Some impressive numbers but I think the standout bit of this article is the praise Netflix CEO gives Disney for their recent #

2020/04/23 #

Today’s links:

  • Netlify Build Plugins - I want to know how to use the build cache to optimise builds, I had a quick look through some of the plugins but didn’t find anything, this new build plugins feature looks pretty cool though, I quite like their implementation because it’s simple and just regular javascript with a small bit a #

  • “AI Eurovision” Special - Where androids dream of electric guitars - Interesting episode this week if you are into tech/ai and/or music, from very eurovisiony, to experimental punk metal, these teams use a fascinating variety of programming and ai techniques to create their #

2020/04/19 #

Today’s links:

  • 30 years of the great British gastropub - I worked at one of the early London gastropubs so I enjoyed this short recap of the posh food and a pint #

  • Debugging NodeJS AWS Lambda with VSCode and #

  • Debugging Typescript AWS Lambda with VSCode and #

  • serverless-offline - Emulate AWS λ and API Gateway locally when developing your Serverless #

  • Today I Learned (TILs) - Incredibly simple yet useful idea for a repo, that all the items are categorised in super nice, but there is also a daily view -- the commit history - This repo should be in the Louvre :) #

2020/04/18 #

Today’s links:

  • jQuery 3.5.0 Released - Mostly security fixes, it's nice to see more mature projects continuing to develop, there is a lot of JQuery out #

  • NASA and SpaceX set the date for Crew Dragon’s historic launch - It will be the first time they have launched with astronauts #

2020/04/15 #

Today’s links:

  • Facebook debuts experimental Apple Watch app ‘Kit’ for robust Messenger #

  • GitHub is now free for teams - “Every developer on earth should have access to GitHub - Price shouldn’t be a barrier” #

2020/04/14 #

Today’s links:

  • Pandoc - Swiss-army knife for converting files from one markup format into #

2020/04/11 #

Today’s links:

  • GitHub Protips - Tips, tricks, hacks, and #

  • Porting to TypeScript Solved Our API Woes - Makes a pretty strong case for Typescript, especially their technique of having the types exported from the database and enforced through all the layers from API to the client React #

  • Understanding (all) JavaScript module formats and tools - I haven’t had time to read all of this yet, hoping to read later, it’s a good summary - Makes me wonder what programmers from other languages think about javascript #

  • NASA’s Mars 2020 Perseverance rover gets its record-setting cargo - An actual Mars helicopter - I really hope it plays the Airwolf theme tune when it flies #

2020/04/08 #

Today’s links:

  • A Static Future - The magic of compile-time workflows - Makes probably the clearest and most concise case (that I have read) for why the new static site / JAMstack trend is an important shift in the web development space, and why incremental builds is the next big SSG development that’s going to make it possible to build much bigger sites #

  • Docker announces the creation of a new open community to be run with open governance to develop the Compose Specification - Docker compose makes it easy to define and deploy multi-container #

2020/04/07 #

Today’s links:

  • Godot Game Engine with Juan Linietsky - Podcast discussion with the creator of the open source games engine, covers a lot of ground but also very approachable if you are in a unrelated area of the IT sector, a lot of similarities with movie software, and also UI #

2020/04/06 #

Today’s links:

  • Microsoft updates Skype so you don’t need an account or have to download software, simple in-browser tool that opens when meeting link is #

  • What happens when ... Kubernetes edition! - Pretty thorough deep dive into Kubernetes internals and component design all from the perspective of running one provisioning command, it’s certainly impressive but wow is it complicated, just to run a few websites, though if you are running a lot of services there is a point where the added complexity is worth the #

2020/04/04 #

Today’s links:

  • Serverless Development with Jeremy Daly - Podcast discussion about the current landscape in serverless, it’s striking how much things have evolved in only a few years, some really interesting and advanced architectures are now possible, but of course there are trade-offs to #

  • Amazon and Apple Strike Deal for Prime Video In-App Purchases and Subscriptions - Sounds kind of complicated at first, but read through to the analysis at the end to get a view on what each party gets out of the #

2020/04/03 #

Today’s links:

  • A Practical Guide to Memory Leaks in Node.js - Good explanation with examples of how to create and analyse heapdumps in #

  • Another NodeJS debugging tutorial, this one is all about NoseJS built in diagnostics feature - Lots of cool features I wasn’t aware #

  • Node.js in a Kubernetes world - All the essential things you need to know about as a NodeJS dev working with apps running on Kubernetes, well written and focuses on developer #

  • Multi-party video application built with NodeJS/React/Twillio/ #

2020/04/02 #

Today’s links:

  • Some interesting features are on the way in Microsoft Edge - Collections, Vertical Tabs, Smart Copy and 4k #

  • Rivian Wants to Bring Electric Trucks to the Masses - Cool to see some more contenders move into the Cybertruck space, this one has a novel skateboard chassis design, battery platform wrapped in ballistic and waterproof materials, wheels that each have their own motor, allowing them to move independently to perform a tank #

  • Japanese astronaut joins the crew for SpaceX Dragon mission to space #

  • That's My Jamstack Podcast - Aaron Frost on Scully, working too much and the merits of ice fishing - Pretty good discussion, helped me to think a bit more clearly about the Jamstack landscape, especially when it comes to what tools are being developed to build static sites using modern javascript #

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