2020/09/23 #
Today’s links:
Ben Thompson does an overview of the current state of bundles in 2020, Microsoft, Disney, Apple, Amazon and Netflix - I haven’t read this through yet because my head is in a low level javascript space with very different abstractions right now, plus noisey cafe, and I’m not able to parse his analysis well enough, but Ben always has good analysis in both his audio and written content, so I’m hoping to read this later, it’s got a good opening and it’s a topic I’m very interested instratechery.com #
The Era of Visual Studio Code - Well written thought piece about editors and VSCode in particular, interesting to me is the fact that I had hardly any issues parsing this in a increasingly noisey cafe even though arguably the complexity of the text is higher than the previous bundles piece posted, I suppose it’s just familiarity / fluency with the conceptsblog.robenkleene.com #
New Field Recording: Noisey Cafearchive.org #
New Field Recording: Noisey Cafe 2archive.org #
An Introduction to Multi-Platform Design Systems - Looks interesting, another one for reading later...dbanks.design #