
2020/11/18 #

cat << EOF > Wednesday 18th November, 2020 (Issue #0)

Announcing the start of Mark Smith's Newsletter

Issue details:

  • Title: Wednesday 18th November, 2020
  • Issue: 0
  • Page: issue webpage

Another awesome issue of the newsletter. #

Today’s links:

  • Is it time to SoC the CPU? - Some good comparison details of the new Mac M1 chip architecture vs Intel chips #

  • My Shortish M1-based MacBook Pro 13-inch #

  • 🚀 Mark Smith’s Newsletter - “Javascript, tech and developer links from around the web” - I’ve started a newsletter where I will share a selection of the links that I post on my long running linkblog, just a few clicks to subscribe :) #

  • 🚀 I’ve just re-organised the tags on my blog so it’s easier to find #

  • Ep. #67, JAMstack Handbook with Colby Fayock of Element 84 - A movement isn’t really in motion until there’s a #

  • What is your go-to place for looking for remote developer jobs? #

  • Playing on Hard Mode - Some interesting analysis from Ben Thompson comparing the relative difficulty level of the ascent of Facebook, Airbnb and #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.