
2020/12/10 #

Today’s links:

  • Microsoft confirms Xbox cloud gaming is coming to iOS in spring 2021 - The big news is that it will be via web browser rather than the AppStore, presumably it will be using a progressive web app, it would be interesting to see more technical details, like for instance if they are using web #

  • WhatsApp goes after Apple over privacy label requirements - I hadn’t heard about these privacy nutrition labels until now, I like the idea of users having better tools to see how they are being tracked, but WhatsApo makes a good point, it should apply to all apps including ones pre- installed on #

  • Apple and Google to Stop X-Mode From Collecting Location Data From Users’ Phones - More reasons for browser and platform vendors to make better tools for users to see exactly what information is being collected on their devices, I think a lot more attention needs to be focussed on the data brokers layer of the #

  • Chrome Dev Summit: Google recaps 2020 work on browser privacy, richer web apps, and #

  • I wonder how are website archive services like the Internet Archive dealing with the onslaught of consent forms that have appeared on websites since GDPR was introduced, surely they can’t automatically be accepting all the forms because there is no standard implementation, so won’t all the archives be covered in consent forms? #

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