
2023/04/08 #

My favourite javascript proposals (2023)

The 95th meeting of the TC39 just finished, meeting notes have been published, and blog posts are being written. Figured I might as well pick out my favorites, based on what I can see being most useful.

I'm writting this without an internet connection however I have the article listing the proposals linked above saved. Based on descriptions alone these to me look like the most interesting / least boring:

  • Import Attribute - mentions importing JSON, which I was trying to do recently and was suprised to discover that it doesn't work with impprt, I do this with require all the time, so this might be cool, if it's what I'm thinking it is
  • Async Context - Looks interesting, but also looks like it could turn out to be super boring, it will depend on what you can actually do with the feature
  • Await Dictionary - still not totally sure what this is, though any additional async/await control structures would likely be awesome given how popular async/await has become, I use it all the time now
  • Time Zone Canonicalization - again not totally sure what this is but I read through temporal's github project a while ago and thought it looked kind of cool, dates and especially timezone stuff in javascript has always been very annoying, so improvrments there would no doubt be very welcome

Right those are my initial picks. Time to find an internet connection.

Incidently, wouldn't it be incredible if Safari could save a page but also automatucally save all the main article's linked pages? IMO, that would be the best feature literally ever.

After checking online, it's mostly as I thought, and the asyc context proposal does imo look like it could be useful for a few advanced use cases that I can think of. #

Today’s links:

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