
2023/06/14 #

Today’s links:

  • Naked JSX: Use JSX without React - NakedJSX is a command-line tool for generating HTML files from JSX - I'm still trying to wrap my head around this, it seems so unbelievably simple that I'm thinking I must be missing something. It's a replacement for whatever templating language you use. For me that's EJS. So instead of EJX template files, I guess I would have javascript files that build the page using components created in JSX. It also has some clientside features. Very interesting indeed. #

  • The US Is Openly Stockpiling Dirt on All Its Citizens - So governments are slowly turning into tech giants? Maybe eventually it will be so obvious they'll have to give us all free storage. Of course the other thing that might happen is that the tech giants turn into the government. Or I suppose a bit of both. This modern world we live in is very very strange. #

  • A Developer's View of Vision Pro - Thoughts from a developer that was there from the start for the iPhone, iPad and Apple Watch. He was at the launch event and was left speechless by the quality of the experience. High on his list of reasons to get in early is to build up his "platform intuition". Nice article though a bit light on actual ideas about what sort of things will be possible. #

  • Awesome HTML5 - So many incredible features in this web platform we have built. It will be interesting to see how the Vision Pro and visionOS changes the focus. It's a good time to get a broad view of what's currently possible because there will be a lot of possibilities for integrating the two platforms. #

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