
2023/07/08 #

Pandemonium in cyberspace (Issue #122)

This week’s newsletter is out! (2023-07-08)

In this week’s edition:

A lot of bigger picture stuff swirling around this week, the group vs the individual, access and permission, new tech launches and old tech revivals.

Issue details:

  • Title: Pandemonium in cyberspace
  • Issue: 122
  • Page: issue webpage

Another awesome issue of the newsletter. #

Today’s links:

  • 🚀 Latest Newsletter: Pandemonium in cyberspace (Issue #122) #

  • Tech debt metaphor maximalism - It's definitely a very effective metaphor, really well written article too. Also, if you've got a good instinct for tech debt, might be a good thing to read to get a handle on financial matters. The thing that strikes me is how much all this stuff is like serious voodoo magic, and how terribly risky some of it is. It feels so risky to me in fact that I feel I should mention that you read it at your own risk, same for any content I write or point you towards, but I'm making that explicit for this particular linked article, which like I said is rather excellent. #

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