
2023/07/22 #

The Crypto, AI & Synthetic Biology Trinity (Issue #124)

This week’s newsletter is out! (2023-07-22)

In this week’s edition:

A look at the major tech trends of the current moment, crypto, AI and synthetic biology, how they are intersecting, and an exploration of the weird and wonderful world that could be ahead of us.

Issue details:

  • Title: The Crypto, AI & Synthetic Biology Trinity
  • Issue: 124
  • Page: issue webpage

Another awesome issue of the newsletter. #

Today’s links:

  • Apple slams UK surveillance-bill proposals - I feel like there is pretty much always a snooper's charter about to be unleashed on everyone. Do they keep getting struck down or is it literally just the same bit of legislation? Probably affects all social media apps, like for example Twitter DMs, but I guess maybe those aren't encrypted. How will brits communicate if all the app makers leave? #

  • Wix’s new tool can create entire websites from prompts - It's important to keep aware of what the big players in personal websites development are doing, and according to Wix, the place we are heading is quite clearly AI powered tools. From tools that generate entire sites from chat prompts, with components for e-commerce, scheduling, food ordering and event ticketing, to text and content generation tools, through to image manipulation, site builder assistance and even domain name selection. It's all AI, all the time, for basically everything. #

  • 🚀 Latest Newsletter: The Crypto, AI & Synthetic Biology Trinity (Issue #124) #

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