The Reluctant Sysadmin's Guide to Securing a Linux Server - This covers the basic setup you need to do on a new linux server. Useful to keep a copy. I would be neat to turn this into a bash script that you could pass to new instances on startup. #
2023/08/03 #
Today’s links:
Yesterday's posts were created by an automated process. I had been building this the week running up to running out of build minutes.
It's the first time it fully worked. I post the links to a feature branch with a special prefix during the day, and push the branch to the remote. At midnight a Github action runs, creating a PR with the latest links, then auto-merges them into main. That merge triggers a rebuild of the site. When I wake up all the links from the previous day have been published to the website. They have also been automatically posted to Twitter.
That for me is why Jamstack sites are awesome, it opens up a entire world of workflow possibilities. I know the Jamstack term is going out of favour, but I'm going to keep using it for now.