
2023/08/23 #

It's quite frustrating not being able to publish new content to the website because of not having any build minutes. Of course this happens both as I'm starting to use the new notes feature that I added, which is leading to me writting a lot more, and as I'm coming up with lots of new ideas for code improvements. I don't want to code until I have build minutes otherwise I'll end up in another feature branch merge extravaganza.

The other thing that is absolutely typical is that now that I'm not coding, everything around me is relatively quiet. It's so odd, when I'm coding things are chaotic and problematic. This happens literally everytine, it can't possibly be random. I mention this because maybe some day it will become obvious what has been going on and perhaps this data point will be useful in getting to that place. #

AI progressive enhancement - Politico Tech has an interview with Google's Kent Walker where they discuss how providers of critical infrastructure should deal with AI. They mention an AI off switch. That got me wondering whether this is similar in some way to progressive enhancement that we use in modern web development. Perhaps a similar approach is necessary for designing these large systems. It should be possible to remove AI and the system should continue to function, though perhaps in a degraded state. #

Today’s links:

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.