Peter Levels: "Is the MacBook Air 15" w/ M2 a good replacement for MacBook Pro 16"?" #
2023/09/08 #
It's possible to easily run MacOS VMs on Mac using something like Vimy. What's the current state of affairs running MacOS VMs when you are on Windows or Linux?
Important question if you are a web developer. It used to be that it simply wasn't possible. I wonder if that is still the case. #
Framework have been on a tear recently with lots of product annoucements, and it seem's their new modular laptops are quietly becoming very popular. I love the philosophy behind these devices. What I want to know is to what degree the modularity gives you freedom. In practice is it possible to buy and use comodity hardware or do you end up having to buy everything from them? #
Just because they aren't being violent doesn't mean they aren't forcing you. #
Today’s links:
What OpenAI Really Wants - Stephen Levy profile piece about Sam Altman and OpenAI. Starts out comparing the attention he's getting to the Beattles when they first got popular. Seems a bit of a stretch, but in the piece he follows Altman and his small PR team around London as they hop between presidents, prime ministers, university lecture theatres, and more, and you do get a sense that something quite unusual is unfolding. Some interesting insight into the nascent AI / LLM scene. #
How Apple inspired creators to take a risk on its $3,500 Vision Pro - I'm still very intrigued by the Vision Pro, but I think people might be missing the real opportunity. In any case it's a good idea to keep the Vision Pro on your radar. There's going to be a lot of nuances to deal with and it could dramatically change the landscape for developers. I keep asking myself how best to position myself for the new paradigm. #
The End of Airbnb in New York - NYC officials brought into effect Local Law 18 which aims to put in place limits on short term rentals which some believe are having a variety of adverse effects on local residents. It's not just NYC, many other large cities are passing similar regulations. Some in NYC are calling it a defacto ban on airbnbs. #
If You’ve Got a New Car, It’s a Data Privacy Nightmare - Honestly this is quite shocking. Cars used to be the last space people felt they had privacy, often used as a place to call your doctor or just a temporary shelter from a crazy world. Turns out car manufacturers are now harvesting a plethora of user information, everything from driving habbits to sexual activity and health info to genetic data. They use a variety of sensors and recording devices built right into the cars. #