
2023/09/27 #

Being code blocked is strange. It's the 3rd month in a row that I've run out of build minutes on Github. It means I can't deploy or test any code I write, and I have to change almost everything I do. It happens often that I get a great idea and I have to sit on my hands.

I really miss not being able to code. Everything seems a little less interesting, the articles I'm reading, the podcasts I'm listening to, and I'm more distracted than when I'm able to code. I'm still publishing links and notes via github. I'll be able to sync them up at the start of the month. But everything feels off, like I've lost my rythm somehow. #

Offline could be awesome. I have to do a lot of things offline these days because of my internet access situation. I get Wifi a few times a day, in various locations, but mostly I'm offline. It occurred to me today that I actually like that setup quite a lot because it stops you from doom scrolling and you can actually get quite a lot done.

If apps had better offline features, I think it might be my prefered way of operating. What I really want is for all websites to work properly in read later tools, better audio podcasting tools like show attachments, and importantly the return of video podcasting. That would be awesome. I just want to select a bunch of stuff every morning, load up, then disconnect knowing that I've got a bunch of stuff to read, listen to and watch.

Working offline could be loads better. Browsers could cache linked pages so you could read links people add to their content, and perhaps you could create an offline list for things you didn't cache that would automatically sync next time you were online. There are so many things that could be made better. Unfortunately no one is going to focus on such an experience unless there was a device that had offline as it's primary use case. #

Today’s links:

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.