White buses - An unusually high amount of white large buses, the coach variety keep appearing wherever I go. Started yesterday evening. Probably just a coincidence. It's the tsunami of X pattern. One of their favorite moves. Happens constantly. #
2023/10/04 #
Today is another sneeze day apparently. Probably just a coincidence. #
Went to the bakery, 2nd day in a row all the buns presented to me were burnt. I said no thank you this time, got called a liar. Had to go to the more expensive bakery. No doubt I will be chastized for being wasteful at some point. The tsunami continues. #
Went to the sandwich shop, asked for a pork and cheese sandwich, which is literally what it's called on the menu. The woman making me the sandwiches tried to charge me extra for cheese. This is a known trick, has happened many times before. I said no thank you and walked away.
The incentives don't work. There is no incentive for her to not lie. When she lies, if I accept, she has subjugated me, if I refuse and walk away, she gets a free sandwich, gets a little fatter. But it's a false economy because at some stage the world will have to deal with her outsized ego. #
Today is also another 'you learn' day. Apparently I'm learning how to sneeze, which has gotten a lot worse in the last hour. Running nose etc.
This used to happen every 10 days like clockwork. Happened literally for 6 months or so, until I made necessary adjustments. Recently that hasn't been happening so much, but it always happens after the synchronicity mega tsunamis. Accompanied by 'you learns' from random passers by. #
You liar + gibberish - People appearing that are apparently having a conversation on thier mobile phone which involves repeating the words 'you liar' interspersed with gibberish is trending for me right now. #
Today’s links:
Lessons From Debugging - Debugging is absolutely crucial to any code writing. A lot of the items on Matt Rickard's list rang true to me. One thing that I have found useful is to add flags that turn major features on/off so you can quickly rule out big sections of code. Be able to run the code with a mininal set of data so you don't get completely overwhelmed with logs, and a way to only print debug logs for specific files. Log verbosity levels can be useful too. matt-rickard.com #
usebruno/bruno - Opensource IDE For Exploring and Testing Api's (lightweight alternative to postman/insomnia) - Ability to save routes and settings to an external file which you can then version in Github. github.com #