Red splodges are trending for me right now. They are appearing literally everywhere I go. You know what they say, no red splodges for ages then 7 for 7 for 7 to the power of 7777777 splodges all at once. [shrug] #
2023/10/07 #
I miss my old home theatre, but more than that I still really miss watching movies. #
Ridiculous infinite synchronicities are trending for me right now. Even as I type this note. #
Still have a totally blocked nose today. Both sodding nostrils. Bloody aweful. #
Do what I say - Pretty much everytime I eat any food at the minute, someone, very often female, shows up about 20 minutes afterwards yelling 'lie'. Combine that with all the sleep depravation that's been forced on me lately, not the best combination for wakefulness. Go figure. #
Walled Gardens and Reality Interfaces (Issue #135)
This week’s newsletter is out! (2023-10-07)
In this week’s edition:
The motorbike gang stalker intimidation continues, that’s my current reality interface headset. I’m just trying to build a static site generator.
Issue details:
- Title: Walled Gardens and Reality Interfaces
- Issue: 135
- Page: issue webpage
Another awesome issue of the newsletter. #
SBF Doppelganger - I've been listening to the latest news about the SBF story on latest Bankless Podcast. What a crazy story. Another bit of insanity, apparently SBF was one of the early investors in Anthropic, the very popular AI startup that had been extremely popular. Looks like that investment might end up being worth enough to cover much of the losses of the folks that lost everything with the downfall of FTX / Almeida.
I haven't been mentioning the doppelgangers I've been seing of late. I got bored of it as it was happening so often. Last time SBF was in the news a lot, and at the end of a 2.5 days of thirsting I had been put through, I saw an SBF doppelganger walk past me in the park. It really looked like him. He had the curly hair and the SBF face, he was wearing some suit trousers and tucked in shirt. Sort of looked like he was an office temp going for lunch. He looked like he was having a bad day.
Yesterday I was in the same park for lunch, nearby where I saw the SBF doppelganger, and as soon as I sat down 3 blokes playing badmington, one shouted 'liar' at me very loudly. I'd had enough of bullshit harrasmement for one day, so much harrassment the past few days, and told him something along the lines of 'f-off mate you're the f-ing liar'. I was then able to eat my lunch in relative piece.
The only strange thing was nearby, a Jim Robinson doppelganger playing table tennis on his own. Odd thing was the day before I had been to the same spot and another asian bloke had been playing table tennis on his own. It's very unusual to see folks there playing table tennis on their own. Anyway as I left I noticed that Jim Robinson doppleganger had found someone to play table tennis with. That cheered me up a bit because as far as I remember Jim Robinson died back in the mid nineties.
This morning in the cafe there were a bunch of school teenagers swatting around a badmingtom racket. Also very unusual. So that's the SBF doppelganger story. Kind of feels like the world wanted to hear this fascinating story. It probably wasn't him, but it sure as hell did look like him at the time. Be thankful that I'm not a writer of fiction or non-fiction, can you imagine having to read through 400 pages like the above 3 paragraphs?
I haven't seen SBF doppelganger since, but I do continue to see doppelgangers regularly of famous people but also of family and friends. It's like they have dopplegangers of literally everyone out here. #
Manerism Doppelgangers - Btw, since we are on the subject of doppelgangers, some of the doppelgangers do the manerisms of doppelgangered people so well that they are virtually standins. They aren't fucking around. What's doubly wierd is that they can mix and match so they can take two distinct dopplegangers and do a manerism swap.
Now I don't know if they are literally doing a swap but I have definitely seen a friend/family member doppelganger exhibiting the near perfect manerisms of a totally different friend/family member. It's frigging insane. But if I'm being honest, kind of incredible. It sends your brain into a strange state because you recognise the manerisms almost instantly but the person doesn't match the visual memory your brain has. It's the weirdest, until you figure it out.
Update: As I walk to get some internet to push today's notes I'm listening to the latest Vergecast about the controversy growing about phone AI software that lies to you. What are the chances. Just to be clear, the doppelgangers I'm talking about are real life actual people. #
Thick tomato soup is suddenly the only soup in existence, which is odd because not only have I never seen that dish in all 4 years of being here, but for it to happen on red splodge day, well that's really saying something, don't you think? #
One thing that definitely is not trending right now is water to wash down the thick red splodge soup.
No doubt some milk will make a cameo any second now. #
Today’s links:
🚀 Latest Newsletter: Walled Gardens and Reality Interfaces (Issue #135) #