
2023/10/27 #

Interleaved everything - I've been working this week on a new interleaved items main page for the website and an everything RSS feed. The latest page feels kind of stagnant in places because different parts update at different frequencies. The overall effect is that it doesn't really reflect very well what I'm working on or thinking about. That's why I'm looking to refactor it to have a more classical blog format. I want all the items I write, be it links, notes, blog posts, newsletters or podcasts to appear as they occur. To do that I need to interleave all the post data.

I was suprised to discover that javascript's Object.assign only does a shallow merge of objects passed to it. That means object properties with the same name overwrite each other. Based on some posts on stack overflow it's clear that deep merge of objects is non-trivial. Better to use a module. I found deepmerge on npm which appears to work quite well. #

Today’s links:

  • deepmerge - In javascript Object.assign only does a shallow merge of objects, which means top level object properties with the same name overwrite each other. For a propper merge of objects it's actually very non-trivial. This library appears to do it correctly. #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.