
2023/11/09 #

Another bullying campaign - I'm stuck in the middle of yet another gang stalker sharades thing. I have no idea what's going on, but, and I know I say this a lot, historically speaking, it tends to go bad for me. Even though there can be some good things that come out of it, the general trend is downwards.

Here's what's been going on. The past 3-4 days in many places I go there has been cotton wool thrown about the place. Kind of weird. Anyway life goes on. At the same time there have been empty bottles of water. Now I know what you are thinking, empty bottles of water must be everywhere. And you are right there are indeed empty bottles of water all over the place.

But there was something about the way that these empty bottles had been left, that looked very purposeful. Remember all these places, I to a lot, I have a good idea at this stage when something is off. These sorts of incidents have happened hundreds of times to me, and they almost always turn out to be something odd happening.

Anyway yesterday the water supply, which was already cut back to a trickle, was cut back even further to what seems like a dribble. How I'm going to be able to wash or clean my clothes, I have no idea. There was also a little tiny paper cup left there. I can't tell you how unusual that is. It's never happened in the 3 years I've been here.

Also yestetday evening and again this morning the police paid me a visit. A slow drive-by, while looking at me. It was just a "we are watching you" type of thing, though it wasn't particularly bad, they didn't seem annoyed. In fact this morning they stopped a few meters away from me, I just said "everything perfect, everything wonderful" to them. That's my current phrase that I say. You always have to have a phrase. Anyway they relocated to the other side of the street. I just don't want any trouble.

A few days ago a shop keeper / cafe worker tried to push her motorbike into me, then when I said no to her, she said she would call the police. I said fine, go ahead and call them. I hadn't done anything wrong. She walked off in a huff. Who knows maybe she did call them.

The other thing that happened this morning, somebody left a jacket, perhaps for me, impossible to tell. It's ridiculously thick for the current climate. It's a winter jacket. The temperature is 34C everyday at the minute. Perhaps it wasn't cotton wool after all. Perhaps it was the lining from a jacket. You see how this multi day intimidation / bullying works?

But it gets weirder. These things sometimes are happening on an even bigger timescale. In one of the places with the cotton wool / jacket lining, I often see an older looking bloke on a bicycle. This goes back many many months. He's been accruing many layers of clothes over the past few months. Everytime I see him he appears to have another shirt or jacket or jeans. I'm always wondering how he survives with all these clothes in the sweltering heat. Well maybe this give-them-winter-clothes-in-summer is a thing they do. I decided not to accept the jacket, and placed it near a nearby bin. Within a few minutes a motorbike drove past shouting 'asshole' at me.

It's impossible. If I accept the jacket, maybe I turn into bicycle guy with all the clothes in blistering heat, if I don't accept the jacket I'm an asshole, responsible for everything bad in the entire universe. Not to mention that the jacket might very well be someone else's, maybe they forgot it, or maybe it's stolen, there's no way to know. Had I taken it, perhaps the police this morning would have been in a different mood.

Quite a lot of passive aggressive motorbike drivebys this morning.

I still don't know how I'm going to wash now that the water is a dribble.

There's lots more going on that could be related, I would be writting huge essays if I were to list everything odd that happens. Generally speaking though, that's the current thing. #

Always have a phrase - Quick note about always having a phrase. I've found you need to have a phrase. My current phrase is "Everything wonderful, everything perfect". Once again it's a catch-22. If you say nothing, then you are a soft touch, so you get bullied even more, if you say something eventually it gets turned against you. I've tried so many different types. Happy, sad, angry. The current one is meant to sound a bit cheerful. But it doesn't really matter. Whatever you say will be turned into a stick to hit you with. If you impersonated R2D2 that would be turned against you too.

Other people do something similar. Some folks literally live in their current phrase. That's all they do. They do a sort of improv where they just say one of their phrases when it seems appropriate. In some cafees everyone is doing it. A sort of group speaking-in-tongues jazz improv sort of thing. They change the tempo, the volume, from murmours to loud laughter and eveything in between. But it's all, or mostly, gibberish. It often leads to hilarity, or arguments, or both, at least that's how it seems, it's not very hilarious if you are a stuck foreigner. #

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