RSS curse strikes again - Following on from yesterday's difficult coding session working on RSS code, I found a quiet place and tried again. The universe granted me about 10 minutes and guess what, it happened again. A strange man appeared, bizarely made some baby crying noises, and is now sitting next to me. He's doing some sort of exercise, rocking from side to side, then extending his arms up and stretching them. Then rocking backwords and forwards. Very odd behaviour in my opinion. #
2023/12/22 #
Fractal of do / don't do - The universe's favorite thing today is to aggressively tell me to do something, again and again and again, with a multitude of yah's, then when I do it, immediately block me. It's just happened 3 times in a row within the space of an hour at at least 3 different abstraction levels. I then got mutilated. I hate to say it but it's what always happens. This time it literally was caused in part by actual dominoe's pizza employee.
The universe currently is finding this all very amusing, but I know ultimately the universe will be unhappy, because that's what happens every time! #
Today’s links:
Glynn Simmons: US judge exonerates inmate after 48 years in prison - It's impossible to comprehend that the government can literally steel your life away from you even if you did nothing wrong. Having your life stolen is about the most rotten thing that can happen to you. Makes you wonder if AI will make justice any better, or isn't it more likely that we will all in some way end up like Glynn Simmons? Like that Andy Warhol prediction that everyone would be "famous for 5 minutes", except it would be more like everyone will be "guilty for life but innocent". Seems like it might be a good idea to mathematically prove this remixed prediction wrong. #
Poland’s new government sacks state TV, radio and news bosses - The exiting far right government had a bad reputation for using the public media to target opponents. The worry is that this show of force is a sign the new centrist replacement government might start using similar tactics. #
Ireland to launch human rights case against UK over Troubles legacy act - I'm probably hopelessly out of touch on this situation, but my initial thoughts were anger at the no doubt millions and millions that will be spent on lawyers and consultants and all the rest of it, dragged out over years. Why can't both sides just estimate the cost of the whole endeavour and instead spend the entire amount to lastingly lift people in the region out of poverty. Wouldn't that be a better way to remember all those that were affected, by actually working together to fix and strengthen the community? #
Multi-protocol fediverse - "It would be cool if they all supported RSS so we can have a mininum of easily implementable interop between them all. It feels like it could be like how there are many flavours of Linux, but they all support reading and writing to files, "everything is a file". Maybe all social networks have file based feeds." #