
2024/01/13 #

Incident followups - Of course there were followups to yesterdays incidents. There always are.

I walked past the food place where the woman didn't like not cutting my pork into strips. Checked in to see if they had some food. Wouldn't you know it they only had 1 pork chop left. 1 lonely looking pork chop. What are the chances? I decided to pass. I was there later than usual so I'll give her the benefit of the doubt. And even though she was a bit shouty yesterday, mostly she's okay, so perhaps she was just having a bad day.

Next I walked past the headphones place which was just up the road. As I walked past, a cigarette butt emerged flying through the air, landing right at my feet. Gee what are the chances? I don't give so much benefit of doubt to people that flick lit cigarettes at you, especially if they were previously purpusely and maliciously coughing all over the item you were trying to buy.

At the corner shop a bit further down the road I got some instant noodles. The motorbikes were parked in a strange way as I entered. In a way that forced you to enter in one of two ways. Inside, I had to rinse my noodle recepticle, so filled it with hot water from the dispensor and went back outsite. Emptied the contents after a good shake onto the street, on front of the strangely parked motorbike. Went back in to buy the noodles. On the way out guess what was placed a few centimeters next to where I emptied the hot water? Yep that's right, a still smoking cigarette butt. Gosh what are the chances? Word travels faster than the wind in this place. And you are always wrong.

The rest of the morning has been litered with similar incidents. The two big themes are stop / start / stop / start. Just when you start to do something, you get blocked. Then it's hurry up, then blocked again. It's a recurring pattern. It's usually followed by people wearing red clothes. Classic anger goading. The stop start shenanigans can literally go on for hours sometimes. The other theme is water goading. I wrote previously about my water sources being virtually cut off. Well they went even further this morning. Right after using it, the renaining water source trickle stopped. Now neither water sources work. I literally don't know what I'll do. Anyhow there's been a lot of water related goading this morning. #

Everything Bitcoin (Issue #149)

This week’s newsletter is out!

In this week’s edition:

Bitcoin ETFs, Bitcoin history, generative AI legal discussion, webdev juniors vs AI, and my website’s new incredibly sexy everything RSS feed. Lol worst issue desc ever. Brain full.

Issue details:

Another awesome issue of the newsletter. #

Punished for haggling 50 cents - As is always the case in a bullying escallation, everything you do will be used against you in some way. For me right now that appears to be the incident that occurred yesterday when buying headphones. At the time I haggled a wopping 50 cents (USD) discount. Well now manufactured incidents involving 50 cents amounts are occuring followed immediately by motorbike gang stalkers, quite clearly waiting for me, shouting 'No!' as I pass them.

They say haggling customery all across Asia. Well it is until the gang stalkers take offense, and when they do literally anything will set them off. A single neutrino out of place is enough to trigger total destruction of the multiverse, and as they pulverise everything they will remind you that it is you that is over-reacting, by simply existing.

I wish I wasn't absolutely serious. #

Digging up old graves - Another pattern that re-occurs as part of anger goading is they attempt to re-surface previously settled disputes from previous bullying campaigns.

Case in point, right now in a shop cafe, I am reminded of the New Year's Eve assault by a quite aggitated chap drinking a purple soft drink, who then abruptly leaves disguarding all his garbage. Youths disguarding their garbage was what precipitated the NYE attacks. The girl who attacked me that night threw an unnopened can of drink directly at me. The can was purple.

These incidents happen so often, I detect them almost immediately. I think the idea is to trigger your fight or flight response. There will likely be more of these throughout the afternoon. Unfortunitely once they pop on the anger goading, they can't stop, eventually anything you do is interpreted as war. #

Grave digging confirmed infinit % - I can't go into details right now, but my earlier suspicion that the NYE assault was being dug up was 100% correct. If past experience is anything to go by, this will result in another or many mutilation attempts on me, which if they are not successful will be blamed on me.

I'm aware that I sometimes sound a bit unhinged on these matters, but I strongly believe, if you dear reader, walked even a few miles in my shoes you would see things in a very similar way. #

Today’s links:

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.