
2024/01/14 #

Malicious gifts - Yesterday's digging up of the grave of the NYE assaults now becomes clear. Since then I've been gifted 3 items of food, from people driving by on motorbikes. Seems nice enough, until you examine the food. In each case the food item had something weird with it. Old looking bags, stained food packaging, discolored food. in each case the gifter uttered some sort of snark or mean comment. One quite large lady bowed while saying 'No!' right after giving me the gift. I was left sitting there quite confused.

Since the NYE attacks were precipitated by youths throwing garbage everywhere, my guess is that the current theme is 'food that looks like it comes from the garbage'.

As per usual the reason for this particular escallation has been long forgitten, but the bullying abd escallations continue. For the record it was the probably staged incident at the food place where I got blammed for their disorganisation.

I'll add this incident to the ever growing list if 2024. #

Haha psyche! incidents are trending - If you haven't experienced these before, or you haven't noticed them before they can be a bit difficult to spot. Once you have, they are so unbelievably obvious. Basically it's people approaching you with all the movement of someone that is about to talk to you, perhaps to gift you something, but at the very last moment they course correct and walk off like it was never that at all. They often are dressed similar to someone that you previously interacted with.

Often several of these, all slightly different in nature, happen in rapid succession. The big tell sign is that if you are absolutely rigorous in directing your main focus somewhere else, something feels very off because they are paying attention to you. They are trying to see you react. Their timing is all off, and that's what you notice, that's why the situation feels strange. They will often slow down as they pass you, the mote you nove yiur attention away, the nore you can see them modifying their behaviour to see your reaction. Once you see it a few times, you wonder how it wasn't totally obvious the whole time.

This is usually part of an anger goading campaign which typically runs over mabye days. Always seems coincides with periods of starvation and thirst.

I've had this happen in a somewhat different context too. I kept noticing that the number of incidents of nearly walking into women suddenly sky rocketed. At one point I just decided that when it was about to happen, to just stop dead in place. All these women would literally walk straight into me, with force. That's what they were purposely doing, with the expectation that I would move out of the way.

Anyway, when things feel off, it's often because they are off, your peripheral vision abd pattern matching will recognise this. #

All-in bell weather - To the extent that the All-in podcast is a bell weather for tech and the wider world, the latest episode left me feeling quite flat.

I'm not saying that it was a bad episode exactly, it wasn't, there were quite a few good bits, but somehow a generalised malaise permeates. I could very well be projecting my situation, but that's the case every week. For whatever reason I don't feel better about the world. A bit more informed sure, but I don't often feel low energy after listening.

I sincerly hope this isn't a bad signal about the period we are heading into, whatever that might be. #

Interleaved Redesign - The more I write blog posts now that the everything feed is operational, the more it's becoming obvious how important the interleaved redesign is going to be. I highlighted previously some of the annoyances from the perspective of writing. It's really apparent to me now.

It's somewhat difficult to estimate the complexity of the move. It seems like it could be considerable, on the other hand if I were starting from scratch, I'd be quite confident because the static site generator is very flexible at this point.

What I'm considering at the minute is whether it might be worth collapsing all the seperate calendar structures into a single day based calendar structure. It's really appealing to have all of a day's content in the same folder. The big downside is not being able to easily find stuff. I won't at a glance of the filesystem be able for example to see all the blog post markdown files.

But maybe there is a way. I have ish installed so perhaps with some basic shell aliases I can get the view back that I'd lose, or something similar.

It's no longer clear cut whether to write a blog post or a note. Each has serious downsides, so you end up not being able to write anything. The current status qui just promotes stuckness.

One thing is clear, the quicker I can move away from the latest page format the better. #

Today’s links:

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.