Still very ill - This illness just doesn't want to end. Night times are horrendous, mornings are horrible, sometimes I feel a but better in the afternoon, but it all repeats. I can hardly stomach any food, everything just tastes totally overpowering and discusting. Concequencially I've got no energy most of the time. My whole body, especially my right side is in constant pain. The medication I got has to be taken after food, but I can't eat anything. I just want it all to end. #
2024/02/01 #
Today’s links:
I miss RSS - Jason Lengstorf gets into why he thinks we lost a lot when we gave up on RSS. I too miss RSS. #
Apple says UK could 'secretly veto' global privacy tools - It's still not clear to me after reading this article how the UK would actually execute one of these global veto’s. I suspect they would only be able to compel companies whether inside the UK or global in the deployment of their software across the UK territory. Sounds a bit like the government is trying to become the nation's IT department. #