The component overrides bug that I tracked down and fixed yesterday was a real tricky one. Glad I got that one fixed amidst all the head winds the world was throwing in my direction. Why are you so conflicted world? Why are you on the war path yet again? #
2024/04/08 #
The component overrides bug
The component overrides bug that I tracked down and fixed yesterday was a real tricky one. The bug got introduced while I was digging myself out of the massive hole caused by being blocked from cleaning up the codebase. It's layers upon layers of irony at this point.
Turns out you can't currently override core components, something that needs to change, because you should be able to override any components with your own ones. Core components, by the way, are ones included in the main static site generator app. It's quite an easy update but not a priority right now.
Anyway I wrote some additional tests in the main static site generator code, one of which was for overriding. Problem was I had forgotten about the core components special case, and the test was doing exactly that, overriding a core component. I got the test working, but it broke the feature everywhere else. The result in my website was that none of my custom components, were being picked up. The most notable consequence being the removal of multi-paragraph notes, which is a special feature I added to my website, outside of the notes plugin.
There are quite a few customisations like this that I've added on my website. It's easier to do it there since that's the only live site at the minute. The plan is at some point to move all the custom features that make sense to be in the plugins, to the actual plugins. But it's not a priority. I have much bigger, much more important things to get right first. The interleaved homepage is one of those.
Strange that the world seems so intent on blocking me from finishing the interleaved homepage, while at the same time forcing me to move my custom functionality into the plugins. Why in heavens would that happen? It feels like something in the universe is conflicted.
Life goes on. Hopefully no starvation and thirst today. #
One thing I've noticed recently is that some of the biggest Trump critics online are in fact very Trump-like themselves. They might have completely different political views, but their behaviour, outside of their righteous political commentary, is almost a carbon copy of Trump's playbook. I wonder do they realise? Serious question.
Perhaps it's just a high performer boomer thing. Ok boomer, let's move on.
Update: Just to be clear, I'm not making commentary on my politics, only an observation about people's behaviour. #
I've updated several notes from the past week updating them to blog posts. I'm still trying to get the balance between notes and blog posts right. I want notes to be small enough they can be posted to social medias. I also want a bunch of days that have vaguely the right balance to test the interleaved homepage feature that I've been working on recently. #
Something else that's super weird that keeps happening, and this one has been happening for years, but I only just thought of a good name for it. It's the end of task yah. You are busy doing something important and you finally finish whatever it is, and low and behold, a seemingly random 'Ya' materialises from your environment. I don't know how, I've got a pretty solid idea of why it happens, but I do know that it's a thing. Happens so often.
The plot thickens. The even stranger thing is that whenever it happens 99% of the time I was literally about to get out of whatever hamster wheel I find myself in. And get this, it seems to happen more when the task st hand is painful. Come on world, it's pretty obvious what you are up to here. #
Two things that are extremely correlated with periods when they are starving and thirsting you are cigarettes and sexual harrasment incidents.
For the former, suddenly a huge uptick in people offering you cigarettes, or smoking right up in your face, or empty cigarette packets left everywhere you go. For the later, the massive uptick happens from both men and women, usually as a way to anger goad you. Often from men and women operating together. Also massive uptick in number of random people saying 'lie' as they walk past. Whatever do they mean?
I don't know how, only that it happens, like clockwork. #
People often say Bitcoin is money for enemies. It's meant to bring to the for that it's for everyone. Well it's worth remembering that RSS is information for enemies. Hardly anyone, actually no one, said this back in the early web years, but it's worth remembering. YMMV.
You kind of just have to hope that everyone is not a veloceraptor. #
Today’s links:
Gender pay gap in Great Britain smallest since reporting first enforced - It's good to see progress, abd I say this as a man that gets constantly bullied by women. I want to live in a world where that behaviour isn't the norm. Where it doesn't feel necessary. Unfortnately it probably takes several generations to get that way. You got to start somewhere though. Incidentally it feels to me like many of the women here have more money than the men. #
New Post: The overrides bug #