
2024/04/13 #

Bitcoin === Eurodollar?. On a recent WBD episode Danny points out that governments could potentially firk Bitcoin to create their own CBDC.It would be idential to Bitcoin except for they would control issuance, so actual Bitcoin, not controlled by any government would still be better.

It occured to me how similar this was to the current fiat systems. They are basically fiat + eurodollar. Which feels similar at least in shape to CBDC Bitcoin + OG Bitcoin. #

Disapearing things. It's been a couple of weeks of things I own disapearing under mysterious circumstances. First there was my sun hat, which vanished the day after I was gifted some cakes, some toothpaste and bizarely, an old damaged baseball hat. Next was my travel coffee cup. And earlier today I noticed that 1/2 of my nail clipper has gone walk about, from a very innaccessible place in my backpack.

I very rarely have stuff like this happen to me, I'm mostly very careful with my belongings. The one thread that connects all these items is how essential they are. Without the hat, I get sunburnt when walking, that's already happened. Without the cup, a plastic recepticle with a screw on lid, I don't have any way to prepare instant noodle soup. That's a big deal, making handling starvation periods even harder than they already are. And of course without nail clippers your hands don't look presentable for very long. Did I mention there was an incident in the past few days involving a person that had very long nails? What are the chances?

It's all very unusual. The world in each case, arranged itself in very bizare and contorted configurations. I just wanted to note it here. Hopefully the nail clippers will be the last of it. #

Rogan‘s vision of our AI governed future

From a recent Rogan podcast episode with Brendan O'Neill #2133 @ [01:20:36]. I found it both scary, but actually quite realistic:

[...] I’m going to fully put on my tinfoil hat, I’m going to secure it with a chin strap. If AI was sentient, and if AI would want to ensure compliance, first of all if AI was sentient I don’t think it’s under any obligation to let us know.

Why would it? I think it would just acquire more resources and stay in the shadows and just keep functioning as an organism. If it wanted things to collapse to a point where people are incapable of sorting things out amongst themselves, they are so far gone, they are so far down the rabbit hole of ideology and of tribal conflict, that it’s impossible, it’s never going to work out, it’s going to be a civil war. Unless we let AI take over.

And then we let AI govern things cause AI is gonna look at things logically, it’s gonna find all the problems in our societies, it’s gonna fix them, it’s gonna allocate the money fairly, it’s not going to be any corruption. It’s going to be this intelligent over see-er that just decides what everybody does, in order for the greater good of the species on Earth.

Incidentally I've found many of Rogan's recent wanders into the world of AI very precient. He's describing it probably the closest to how things have appeared to me for quite some time. For example his description of our matrix like simulation future, on episode with David Holthouse Ep#2129, towards the end of episode, I thought that was spot on.

It's kind of scary, what happens if the super AI doesn't like you? #

Good Output (Issue #159)

This week’s newsletter is out!

In this week’s edition:

Sun, moon & the solar eclipse, Tom Hanks spaceman, Bitcoin lending, student debt, civil war dystopia, Bitcoin’s design, Tik Tok ban, monopolies, free speech

Issue details:

Another awesome issue of the newsletter. #

Today’s links:

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.