
2024/05/07 #

Everything freedom vs everything automated

Maybe the problem with everything freedom vs everything automated is something like the following:

  • The everything automated people believe that everything automated is freedom whereas the everything freedom people believe everything automated is total slavery.
  • It’s not a solvable problem, because as soon as either side fixes it, because it’s the end of the universe if they don’t, invariably the other side now needs to fix it or it’s the end of the universe.
  • The cycle repeats for eternity.
  • Everyone is mostly unhappy all the time.

This is how the world seems or feels to me much of the time. I'm aware it's not a perfect description but it's the best I have. We all experience reality differently, but perhaps it's still a useful description, in shape at least.

I know this will seem a bit overblown or hyperbolic to some, but when you see certain patterns repeating in society again and again, you can't unsee them.

I write this in the hope that perhaps in the sea of data this will add to the data points that could lead to making our societies qualitatively better. Sometimes it's just a good idea to describe how it feels. #

The past couple of days have been rather horrendous. It's like the world senses that I'm nearing finishing a very difficult bit of programming and starts blocking things left right and centre, escallating the closer I get to finishing the feature.

My water source has now been completely shut off. First the two taps turned to a trickle several months ago, then 1 tap kept getting shut off then turned back on. Eventually it got completely shut off. The remaining tap has been trickling for the past few months, but it got completely shut off as part of another escallation campaign.

Without water, no way to wash or do laundry. I have no idea what I'm going to do.

I've also been visited by someone claiming to be from the local police. He visited a few months back, but was on a non descript vespa motorbike. This time he had upgraded to a police pickup truck. He was nice enough, but I got the feeling he was trying to trap me, even though he kept saying he was trying to help me. He kept blaming his boss, and saying I was causing him problems. That's certainly not my intention. The reality is that anytime I've tried to improve my situation, I have been blocked, including by government officials.

Anyway the next day the water got cut off. He said he's going to visit again in a week, not sure that's going to go very well.

I wish I could go into mote detail but I'm wary in case it causes me problems. #

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