Managed to get much of the foundational work on my static site genetator working yesterday. There were so many small niggly bugs that needed to be fixed. Today I'll be testing with production data and hopefully deploy. Then I'll be able to put together the new homepage that combines all the posts. It's going to be pretty cool. #
2024/05/09 #
Progress on my static site generator has been pretty good. It looks like I've managed to drastically reduce build and deploy times.
Builds had been taking 4-5 minutes recently. They appear to be back to around 60 seconds for the website which has ~19500 files. There was a bug that was causing thousands of files to change between builds, and that had also impacted deploy times to netlify, which was taking 6-7 minutes.
All in all build and deploy was regularly taking 10-12 minutes. Tests that I've run this morning indicate this to be down to 3-4 minutes. Pretty happy about that. #
Today’s links:
Autogenerate Show Notes with yt-dlp, Whisper.cpp, and Node.js - I thought this was kind of impressive. It's basically some scripts that download a youtube video, extract the audio, run it through an LLM to create a transcription of the show, which is then used to create various length show summaries, a list of suggested show titles, and text and timestamps for episode chapters. You can run it on single videos or a playlist. I bet something like this would really speed up the post production of a podcast. #
Vodafone looks to integrate crypto wallets with SIM cards - Crypto wallets on sim cards is an idea I wrote about several months ago. Seemed to me that it would be an ideal place to have such a thing. So this article made me smile. I'm suprised that the development costs are projected to be in the billions of dollars. Sure would be awesome to have secure wallets in such a small form factor on comodity hardware. #
When to Use Bun Instead of Node.js - I've been peripherally aware of bun for a while now. Really interesting project. Apparently 4x faster than regular nodejs runtime, and very interestingly up to 25x speedup for module installs. Module installs is the biggest thing that slows down my static site generator. If I ever get some time to look into this I might try to see if I can get my site building on bun. I'd love to get build times down to the point where they are negligeable. Currently I only publish content once per day to save on build minutes. If build times were sub 1 minute then I could rebuild on every change without any worries. #
Express 5 last push - I feel like folks have been saying Express 5 is right around the corner for absolutely ages now. Hopefully this time it's for real, Express is always my go to nodejs web framework. #
VPS Showdown – May 2024 – DigitalOcean vs. Linode vs. Vultr - If you are starting a project might be worth looking at these numbers, depending on where the bottlenecks are in your app are you might get some extra performance. #