
2024/07/27 #

One of the I suppose nice things from yesterday, was that in amongst all the bullying and stealing from me, there was finally an admission that they were actually stealing from me. They kept on stealing from me but they did at least admit they were doing it. I don’t know in practice if this will have any net benefit to me, maybe it will mean I stop getting mutilated. That would be great.

Reasonably good night’s sleep, not much sleep depravation. But this morning as soon as I woke up there was a big wave of drive-by harrassment, starting with a bloke on a bycicle shouting Bear! at me. That’s him trying to justify the starvation that they are currently inflicting on me.

Then there was a bunch of motorbike drive-bys shouting Liar! and one with a ridiculously camp quite large man in a pink T-Shirt shouting Leeeegal! over and over to the person sitting behind him.

I did manage to get what I think is quite a good blog post yesterday all about our challenge to solve starvation. It fits in quite well with this week’s newsletter theme, which I haven’t quite figured out, but it’s something like "Kicking Poverty’s Ass". I'm not too into the violence in that tagline, but it’s the best I’ve been able to come up with that doesn't sound like a total buzzkill.

Anyhow today I need to write the newsletter, send it out, and hope some food materialised because it’s been a few days since I ate any real food. The bags I'm carrying are heavier than usual because I got gifted a bunch of non-food items. This is the latest malicious help btw, whenever they start starving me, they now try to ensure my bags are as full and heavy as possible. It’s happened on the last 3 or 4 starvation cycles.

No doubt they will be yah’ing me even more than usual as I drag the heavy bags, super low on energy from not eating anything. And they know exactly what they are doing. This is pro-infiniti-slavery. Coming to a town like yours soon! But don’t make any jokes about it, that’s not allowed. You’re not even allowed to make self depracating jokes. Only they can make jokes, and they are always aimed at you. #

You would think that since the US is so ridiculously divided that this would be the perfect time to launch a centrist political party, for sane people that are tired of the extremes on both sides. I mean, especially in this age of AI, where does the division end? You could even promise to change it so every 4 years it shifted to be center-left or center-right.

Surely if things continue in the current direction, at some point you just end up with two sides that are completely unnable to talk to each other at all. Kind of makes you wonder how they got into that nightmare in South Africa. That didn’t sound like much fun.

Isn’t Apartheid the end result when you have total dysfunction? #

Kicking Poverty’s Ass (Issue #174)

This week’s newsletter is out!

In this week’s edition:

ChatGPT hype, handling homelessness, caffeine facts, businesses and worker fairness, weird internet art, crypto zeitgeist, network states, US poverty, solving starvation, punk rock energy, NFTs r cool

Issue details:

Another awesome issue of the newsletter. #

Today’s links:

  • The Kidnaping of Ape #8398 (Search Engine Podcast) - I listened to this yesterday evening, I was super tired so found it a bit difficult to focus, but it’s a very interesting episode all about the NFT craze that swept past us last year. That has sort of subsided for the minute, but I think perhaps NFTs will make a come back after the bull market when people need to park their millions. People like Raoul Pal seem to think so. The back story is kind of fascinating involving comedian Seth Green trying to create a genuinely new form of series using a blend of celebrities and the NFT characters he owns. The twist to the story is that his NFT wallet got hacked, so he had to figure out how to get back the NFTs that were stolen or the show couldn’t be made. Interesting that Quentin Tarantino and Paris Hilton are bigtime into NFTs. #

  • Gerry Gets Savage Ep#295 (Punk Till I Die Podcast) - Since last week’s issue had a big segment all about electronic music, I thought I’d check in with the PYID guys. It’s an awesome show, they have on Gerry who organises Savage Mountain which I gather is some sort of underground punk focussed music festival. I though his music selection was awesome, it’s got a very distinct vibe, quite pop punk in places but not scared to go off piste into some pretty dark metaly stuff. And I say pop punk, but it’s not bubblegum, it all has an edge to it. Like I said, I thought all the tracks were great. Gerry really reminds me of Anthony Scaramouchy from the Rest is Politics US Edition for some reason, so maybe he knows why many Americans think MI6 are behind the Trump assassination? I think maybe the Mooche’s wife might be a fascist communist so maybe we’ll get some interesting new punk tunes at some point, hopefully before WWIII starts. #

  • 🚀 Latest Newsletter: Kicking Poverty’s Ass (Issue #174) #

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