
2024/11/10 #

They’ve started another bought of malicious help, with some clothes gifts that on the surface look like they could be a useful gift, but actually when you examine the items, at least some of them have been chosen imo with the express intention of causing me trouble, possibly even harm. I don’t want to go into details but there are multiple signs from the last few days that point to the fact that it’s all part of some sort of bigger escallation war plan.

I’ve taken a few of the items that might be useful and left quite a few of them. That will probably be used as some sort of precursor to war in itself. There’s really nothing else I can do. Just another impossible situation to deal with in my already very precarious life.

As far as development goes, I’ve essentially run out of build minutes for any development this month, with only just about enough to publish content to the website every morning, not that there’s likely going to be much good content because I’m being blocked in the only dimension that really matters. Hard to be a dev that works in public when you can’t even run builds. Never mind that I don’t even have a functional laptop.

Not much different to it being hard to being a human when you can’t even eat food, and drink water, which is also happening much more than is workable.

Life at the minute is just this constant never ending sudoku puzzle trying to figure out how to arrange what little I have so I don’t die. And there’s never enough. And everytime I figure something out, the dark side of the world uses that to figure our how to constrict me even more.

Hello world? I guess you’ve banned hello now have you. What a suprise. #

cat << EOF > Monarchies and republics: An obvious difference I only just noticed

Another no doubt totally incorrect observation about the US political / govermental system that I only just noticed...

As a brit, I find it kind of strange how in the US, the majority leader of the house, who I guess maybe is somewhat similar to the prime minister in the UK (?), is totally unknown generally and over-shadowed in terms of popularity by the president.

In the UK, the prime minister is elected, and then that’s the bloke or gal that you see literally leading the government in parliament every week. They are the one answering questions, they are the one on the tele and in the newspapers. They have quite a lot of power. They are running the entire show so to speak. They get a lot of attention from the general population, but it’s kind of like they are a tech CEO of a subsidury company. They do this both internally and internationally.

The monarch on the other hand has basically no power, and though they have lots of attention from the public, it’s a very different sort of attention, more similar to the attention an actor gets. You follow them your entire life, growing up with them mostly in the background, though occasionally they are front and center. They operate both internally and internationally, but they aren’t really ever involved in actually running the government. They aren’t officially part of a political party.

In the US, it feels like a totally different dynamic. The president is sort of outside of government, a bit like a monarch type figure, but they have quite a lot of power, signing all sorts of executive orders and what not. They operate internally as a sort of monarch, but internationally they are more like a prime minister. Also, I don’t know how much this has any practical significance, but since they are part of a political party, there’s a sense that one party is totally in control of everything, from top to bottom. A bit of cognitive disonence perhaps for a republic, which is supposed to protect minorities from the rule of the majority?

All this probably seems very obvious to many, but I just never noticed it before. I had in my head made a vague equivalence between the US president and the UK prime minister, because in international diplomatics stuff, which is what you see in various media, that’s what it looks like.

Really the equivalency is that the president is more like an elected monarch.

Is that a good thing? I don’t know, I’m still trying to get my head around this observation. I wonder if it affects how much the general population pays attention to politics. And I suppose it creates a totally different balance of power to the entire governance apparatus.

With all this in mind, it really must have been rather a big moment when Reagan became president. Much bigger of a moment than I had previously realised. It was sort of saying, in not so many words, hey look, our president is a monarch now too. And likely it was saying a lot more than just this. Perhaps we are still trying to figure out exactly what.

Just wanted to mention, sorry if it’s all clumsily said. Based on how much I had to edit this piece as I wrote it, some of these are very new concepts to me. #

Yet another example we live in a simulation or simulation-like thing.

I literally just finished writing a blog post about monarchies and republics, that concludes with a bit about how strange it must have been when Reagan, an actor, became president of the US, and a few minutes later the TFTC podcast with guest Matt Pines that I was listening to, has a bit on the technocrats starting to realise that Bitcoin is actually a serious thing [50:53]:

"For that managerial technocrat, that prides themselves on having a domain of expertise and control, that they know the left and right corners of their field and their domains of responsibility, and they also have control of what comes in and out of that policy space, it affronts or offends them in a way psychologically to have something like Bitcoin. To come from this cyberpunk, anarcho-capitalist, internet, bitcoin-bro world, and now intrude on their staid, well managed, well curated, policy garden. It’s like the kids across the road have come across to trample on your gardiñas."

What are the fucking chances?

And guess what, I’m currently being badgered by people pretending to be trample kids in the shop cafe I am attempting to write this friggin note in.

Seriously seriously. Reality is so much stranger than fiction. You couldn’t make this stuff up. We live in a series of ever changing reality fractals created by AI. There is no other explanation that fits. This sort of thing is happening to me constantly at this point.

And before you ask, extrapolating the fractal a bit, for what it’s worth, no, I, am not actually that offended. Just constantly worried I’m going to starve to death. It’s reality that is constantly offended.

Seriously. The kids, are trampleing their own gardiñas and are infiniti offended at me, even though I have nothing to do with these fucking gardiñas. Or for that matter, these stupid kids, that think they are infiniti gods from another dimension, or what have you, who are pretending to find this all hilarious but actually are infiniti offended at themselves. [shrug]

Trampling inception on LSD. Boooooouuuuje.

I guess I’ll be getting even more mutilated then. I’ve already got another runny nose. Some dinner later would be nice instead of a constant stream of total reality inversions. Just an idea.

Done. No more writing today. #

I actually don’t even know exactly what gardiñas are. #

Now the internet at the internet place has been cut off.

Butch women being butch women, kind of intimidating, loitering, just waiting to see my reaction.

Offended much world? Definitrly seems like you’re offended world. #

1/2 the places I've been to today I’ve been blocked.

Sweat breads bloke wasn’t there. Sandwich shop was 'no pork today'. The internet place had the internet cut off. The places where I wasn’t blocked, there was some form of harassment. The egg and hot water shop bloke essentially instructed me to be a dog, the shop cafe somewhat predictably then behaved like I was a dog, at the other sandwich shop there were random people waiting to front run my every move, instructing me to get 'money' several times while I waited, and 'pay' right before staffer bloke gave me my order, and finally in the shop cafe I’m in now the staffer at the till once again ordered me to 'money' as I approached to pay.

Please world explain to me how this is not you being infiniti offended by literally every fucking thing I do. Thank you.

Oh yeah and you could say sorry and mean it. That would be nice.

And saying "liar lie" is not saying sorry and meaning it, just so you know.

Also trying to manufacture a situation where I slip on a piece of fruit is malicious. You did that exact same thing, same exact playbook, last week.

You should probably say sorry for that and mean it too. Not telling you what to do, but your karma is going to be pretty f-ing bad. #

Today’s links:

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.