It’s a bitter sweet symphony this life.
These days each person is a million different nightmares. So the million different people from one day to the next has become a million different nightmares of a million different nightmares, from one day to the next.
Feels like they have parametised depth.
It’s very variable. I lose count, I spend half my time completely lost in the abyss. But you have to have the nightmares to make any progress especially with the difficult parts. There’s just no avoiding them. The bitter sweet symphony was a bit of an understatement, to put it mildly. It’s much much much worse than it appears.
I can’t imagine this post is going to make it any better, but maybe it will. I certainly hope it will.
Reading callback heavy code in javascript is a real head fuck in some environments and space-times. Even the most beautifully well written callback code is still, at the end of the day, covered in callbacks, with functions stuffed in every possible crack, all the way down, and snakes inside snakes inside snakes, each one shedding it’s skin, as you GTFO of the void you’ve been forced to descend into. And eventually there is no space left for the actual code. No space left to move or think.
Each time you just hope you’ll make it out of the big blue, back up to the safety of the surface. And even then, a lot of the time, when you think some form of normality has been restored, the universe has a nasty habbit of re-minding you that maybe this isn’t even base reality at all. Ha ha.
It’s like if a rubix cube solver robot was repurposed to vacuum packing. Literally vacuum packing everything. Vacuum packing vacuum packs. And vacuum packing that too. Eventually the whole universe is a vacuum pack of vacuum packs. And everyone just hates every damn thing.
And we are left with softly softly whispering sparrow and squirel people, desperately trying to squeese in another function into another closure, right before the world runs out of cracks and the tetris nightmare ends.
Cul-de-sacs suck. #