
2024/12/10 #

Something odd going on with the security guards this morning. They were taking photos with their phones with the lights on. Then sitting like small school children on the curb a bit down the way. Then quite a lot of people walking past in white. Some aggressive motorbike gang stalking too. And my alergies are starting to flareup. I’ve been sneezing quite a lot. Just as predicted, the fortnightly alergy attack / cold appears to be on the way.

As for dev work, I am merging some work from the past few days that cleans up and simplifies a lot of the HTML, removing tags that weren’t necessary. I’m hoping it will fix yhe RSS render issues or at least make it easier to solve.

There’s something weird happening with how the HTML is being rendered. Some pages like the everything page have loads of extra newlines inserted, but others don’t. Trying to get to the bottom of that. It might be related to the syntax highlighting being broken.

I was going through the code yesterday and it’s currently very complicated how that all works. I had to turn off the prettifier on blog posts because it was breaking the code block syntax highlighting. But that’s not working either now. I’ve added some debugging to make it at least easier to tell if the prettifier is enabled or not.

Hopefully I’ll figure out how to both remove the newlines and have the syntax highlighting work. #

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