All the security guards have got some sort of beef with me. People are maliciously helping to create sutuations tgey can repeatedly use to escallate and escallate, I'm being blocked in every dimension, abd nobody is happy with anything. Contradiction after contradiction after contradiction. Yah, woah, up, lie, minus infiniti, plus infiniti, don’t eat, eat, it’s never ending.
I can tell there’s going to bd some sort of issue around water and washing. They’ve clearly already decided on something and sre trying to force me into some type of trap.
I looked back at last year’s notes from the same period. There was lots of harrassment and it culminated in me getting assaulted on new year. At one point I got some sort of eye infection. Well wouldn’t you know it yesterday one of the possible malicious help situations involved a woman saying 'eye eye' to me, then later at the internet place there was a bkack stuffed cartoom eye ball left on the ground.
Really hoping things don’t escallate, but it happens no matter what I do. I’ve been totally quiet all morning, and motorbike stalker after motorbike stalker are passing shouting things. The last too in quick succession were 'you are mental' and 'are we liar'. This after sleep depravation from just before 3am. Eventually they are just hoing to try to keep me awake all night. Then I get in trouble with the security guards in the park if I doze off there.
They create the problems the complain about, thry block the solutions they suggest, then they escallate and escallate and eventually when everything is totally blocked everywhere for evryone they blamed the whole thing on me, then they mutilate me. Then they are unhappy and blame me for that, then they mutilate me for that, then it starts all over again. It’d roughly speaking the exact same pattern every time, but expressed / implemented slightly differently. They aren’t all aware of the bigger picture, just their little bit. And everytime they get more unhappy and more angry.
Yesterday’s fortnightly alergy flareup / mystery cold wasn’t as bad as usual. I still had a bit if a runny nose and sneezed quite a bit, but it was over by late afternoon. Interestingly I went to a different sandwich shop and shop cafe. However it had started early morning before I set off. I’m still half expecting it to return today. #