
2024/12/30 #

Unhappy to report that worldo has sunk to a new low. Putting infant animals through pain and mortal danger is now being used to intimidate me. Yesterday evening a very small kitten suddenly appeared in the middle of the road directly on front of me during the evening rush hour traffic. There were motorbikes passing in both directions. The kitten was completely traumatised and scared out of it’s tiny little mind. It appeared to be limping quite badly so likely already got hit by one of the passing bikes.

There was a break in the traffic and I looked around, there didn’t apear to be anyone that had dropped a kitten. A motorbike that had been parked on the opposite side of the road, driven by a couple in their twenties, just happened to be turning in the street and found themselves in the middle of the road. I don’t think they had seen the kitten, who was at this stage scrambling for dear life down the middle of the road. I jumped up because it looked as if they were going to drive straight into the poor thing. I think perhaps me jumping up made them see what I was looking at and they stopped in their tracks.

The kitten ran under a large car that was momentarily stopped, trying to jump onto the rear axle but of course fell off as soon as the car started moving again. The couple on the motorbike drove up to the kitten, the bloke who was driving, got off the bike, and picked up the kitten and drove off.

A few moments later two young people on a motorbike drove by and said very clearly 'you learn' as they passed. Earlier in the day there had been a somewhat strange incident that seemed very planned to me, by 3 teenage boys, who appeared to be waiting for me and tried to make it look like they walked into me by accident but it felt like they did it purposely. It happened after I left the shop cafe were when I leave I often get punshed in some way. I managed to avoid them because I saw ahead of time what was unfolding.

It happened in the same location on front of the internet place, where a few months ago a local caused a situation where I ended up walking out into on coming traffic during the morning rush hour. I narrowly escaped without injury. In that same location, a few months previous to that there was another incident with kids doing the same thing, forcing me into on coming traffic. I also note that a while back at one of the shop cafes I used to go to, a strange sparrow person young women, started turning up with a kitten in her bag.

All these things lead me to think this was a planned intimidation event.

The rest of the day had been actually quite quiet but clearly worldo is exponangry again and blaming me. I hope the kitten is alright.

The other thing that was happening all day yesterday was people saying 'okay' everytime I moved location. Like I was being given permision. This was from adults but also from groups of children. It happened at least 7 or 8 times in a row as I walked from place to place.

Why are you exponangry this time worldo? #

Konstantin Kisin from the TRIGGERNometry podcast on loosing faith in the british main stream media [59:15] while at the Democratic National Convention in the US:

I’ll be honest with you [...] that one moment, being there and then reading the coverage on my phone while being there, that for me permanently broke what was left of my faith in the main stream media. Because that’s when I realised, they’ve been lying about this guy this entire time, and in Britain in particular. Even people, prominent conservatives, like Michael Gove and others were pro-Kamala, and I understand now, because in Britain what we do is we listen to british journalists who mostly don’t ever go to america, so they don’t see any of the stuff they are talking about with their own eyes, and if they do go to america, they don’t go to america, they go to Washibgton DC, or New York or if they go on holiday L.A. or something like that. So they aren’t seing the parts of america that are pro-Trump. They have no conception of how to understand it. And then they are swollowing the lies of the american journalists who marinade in their own echo chamber. And so what we get in Europe is a complete misunderstanding of what is going on. And then you add to that that because we speak the same language we assume that our cultures are the same [...] and our cultures are not the same.

Just realised that if I finish a note with a list or a quote then the hash link isn’t getting added, so I’m adding this sentence. A minor annoyance that I’ll hopefully world willing get to at some stage. #

Build minutes finally reset! Woohoo. I managed to publish all the content from the past few weeks to the website and I’ve also made loads of progress on merging in the fix to the RSS feeds. There’s still some work to do on it but definite progress.

Coding rocks :) #

For enquiries about my consulting, development, training and writing services, aswell as sponsorship opportunities contact me directly via email. More details about me here.