If Only I Knew This Shit in Collegezachholman.com #
2013/03/31 #
Packed with technology, this six-sided die reinvents a 5,000-year-old game piecewww.polygon.com #
Developer Freedom At Stake As Oracle Clings To Java API Copyrights In Google Fighttechcrunch.com #
The Girl With the Mousy Hair: Hermione Farthingalebacktothesixties60.blogspot.ca #
Learning the Jade Templating Engine Syntaxcssdeck.com #
Jade Templating Tutorial Codecast - Part 2cssdeck.com #
Mr. C - “Dark Moon” (Interview)www.urb.com #
The Daily Grind Cafethedailygrindartcafe.com #
Google Glass #ifihadglass Winnerscs.stanford.edu #
Bitcoin Hits $1 Billionspectrum.ieee.org #
Introduction to Guitarwww.coursera.org #
HN Thread: Introduction to Guitarnews.ycombinator.com #
The Lie Hollywood Loves to Telljmtame.posthaven.com #
HN Thread: The Lie Hollywood Loves to Tellnews.ycombinator.com #
2013/03/30 #
Kung Fu Grandpadevour.com #
Fascinating Photos Of Old People Who See Their Younger Selves In The Mirrordesigntaxi.com #
Getting started with Node.js, Express and Jade using the WebStorm IDEwww.mattpalmerlee.com #
How do I get started with Node.jsstackoverflow.com #
David Bowie - Ground Control To Major Tom Lyricswww.lyrics007.com #
Asynchronous Code Design with Node.jsblog.shinetech.com #
Understanding the node.js event loopblog.mixu.net #
Kabbalahen.wikipedia.org #
The Thin White Dukeen.wikipedia.org #
2013/03/29 #
Font Awesome - The iconic font designed for Bootstrapfortawesome.github.io #
Manly Night at the Playboy Mansion: Gentlemen, Gentlemen, Be of Good Cheer, for They Are Out There, and We Are in Herewww.esquire.com #
Bitcoin May Be the Global Economy's Last Safe Havenwww.businessweek.com #
Hanselminutes Podcast: HTML5, JavaScript, Chrome and the Web Platform with Paul Irishwww.hanselminutes.com #
Science Fashionwww.popsci.com #
2013/03/28 #
Major VC Declares That Bitcoin Represents The 3rd Great Era Of Currencywww.businessinsider.com #
Linton Kwesi Johnson - It Dread Inna Inglan (For George Lindo)www.youtube.com #
Discrimination Against Atheism?www.atheistberlin.com #
2013/03/27 #
Billionaire Banks On The Advertising Apocalypsewww.forbes.com #
Vending machine soda theft using a measuring tapeenglishrussia.com #
Two Guys Beat World Record for Tightest ‘Parallel Parking’newsfeed.time.com #
Why You Should Get Up Earlywww.mensjournal.com #
2013/03/26 #
Eloquent JavaScripteloquentjavascript.net #
Learning JavaScript - my experience and advicesivers.org #
Digg Blog: What’s Next - an RSS Readerblog.digg.com #
HN Poll: Do you meditate?news.ycombinator.com #
3D Printed Guns (Documentary)www.youtube.com #
2013/03/25 #
Douglas Engelbart: The Mother of All Demos (1968)www.youtube.com #
Crockford on JavaScript - Section 8: Programming Style & Your Brainwww.youtube.com #
Crockford on JavaScript - Volume 1: The Early Yearswww.youtube.com #
HTML Tags, Elements, Attributes and Propertieswww.html-5.com #
Crockford on JavaScript - Chapter 2: And Then There Was JavaScriptwww.youtube.com #
Is the Meaning of Your Life to Make Babies?blogs.scientificamerican.com #
Using WebStorm effectively to Learn JavaScript Properly2oahu.com #
The Overweight Man in the Park with Mad Football Skillssoccerly.com #
The Brains of the Animal Kingdomonline.wsj.com #
Building a microblog application using Python and Flaskblog.miguelgrinberg.com #
Meet the scientific accident that could change the worldio9.com #
2013/03/24 #
Sa-Ra - Hip-hop group based in Los Angelesen.wikipedia.org #
GITLAB: Self Hosted Git Management Application - create projects and repositories, manage access and do code reviewsgitlab.org #
2013/03/23 #
Ignoring the Wisdom of Crowdsblog.asmartbear.com #
When the Crowd Isn’t Wisewww.nytimes.com #
The Wisdom of Crowds, Revisited: When The Crowd Goes From Wise to Wrongbigthink.com #
“Stop the Cyborgs” launches public campaign against Google Glassarstechnica.com #
Monty Python - witch scenewww.youtube.com #
Om'Mas Keithommas.tumblr.com #
To This Day Project - video poetry artwww.youtube.com #
2013/03/21 #
Grep.js - Recursively searches objects - keys, values, arrays and functions - for values matching a regular expressiongarysieling.com #
Why Americans Are the Weirdest People in the Worldwww.psmag.com #
2013/03/20 #
Two Months of Soylent: Mostly Harmlessrobrhinehart.com #
Chart.js - Create great looking chartswww.chartjs.org #
2013/03/19 #
Brian’s Stupid Feed Tricks - server-side guy from NewsGator lists the different ways feeds can be screwed upinessential.com #
3 ways to outsmart Facebook cookieswww.firstpost.com #
Forget the Cellphone Fight - We Should Be Allowed to Unlock Everything We Ownwww.wired.com #
Blood, Sweat and Sex: My Hard Life in Pornwww.thedailybeast.com #
Loren Brichter, a High Priest of App Designonline.wsj.com #
Future of Firefox DevToolspaulrouget.com #
2013/03/18 #
Oreo Separation Pump Gunwww.youtube.com #
Scientists Resurrect Bonkers Extinct Frog That Gives Birth Through Its Mouthwww.popsci.com #
Dream Music: Part 2 - Behind The Scenes #1www.youtube.com #
TodosMVC with Backbone.js, Node.js and MongoDBjamesor.com #
Let's Make a WebApp - Nodepad - all the tutorials listeddailyjs.com #
How to use Mustache.js Template Systemwww.youtube.com #
Express js tutorial - introwww.youtube.com #
Sublimewebinspector - Debug Javascript right in the Sublime Text editorsokolovstas.github.com #
OverAPI: Collecting all the cheat sheetsoverapi.com #
2013/03/16 #
The science of lovewww.aeonmagazine.com #
The Shadowy Residents of One Hyde Par - And How the Super-Wealthy Are Hiding Their Moneywww.vanityfair.com #
What "Fox Guy" had to teach uswww.washingtonpost.com #
The Ultimate Guide to Dropshipping - This comprehensive guide covers everything you need to know about running a dropshipping businessecommerce.shopify.com #
Using the here and now to get a handle on the hereafterwww.latimes.com #
2013/03/15 #
The Web Is a Customer Service Mediumwww.ftrain.com #
How the America Invents Act Will Change Patenting Foreverwww.wired.com #
vkBeautify - Simple and powerfull node js plugin to beautify ( pretty print ) or minify text in following formatswww.eslinstructor.net #
Lucy Beaumontwww.youtube.com #
Trello - outliner, cards, todo liststrello.com #
Feedparser - Robust RSS, Atom, and RDF feed parsing in Node.jsgithub.com #
Feed is a RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0 generator for Node.js, making content syndication simple, intuitive and performantgithub.com #
A simple node.js RSS feed buildergithub.com #
Diffuse - A fast and simple RSS generator for Nodenpmjs.org #
Juliana Hatfield official websitewww.julianahatfield.com #
Insight, Sun Records of Memphis, Tennessee (BBC Radio 6 Music)www.bbc.co.uk #
2013/03/14 #
Node.js and Express - Basic Authenticationblog.modulus.io #
This Man Thinks He Never Has to Eat Againwww.vice.com #
2013/03/13 #
Plastic Bertrand - Ca Plane Pour Moiwww.youtube.com #
Let's Make a Web App: Nodepaddailyjs.com #
Notepad - Node notepad, written for a tutorial series on DailyJSgithub.com #
How to structure a Node, Express, Connect-Auth and Backbone application on the server-side?stackoverflow.com #
Auth example - Common Pre-Handler for ConnectJS/ExpressJS url handlers?stackoverflow.com #
What is Node.js' Connect, Express and "middleware"?stackoverflow.com #
Learning Express for Node.jsstackoverflow.com #
2013/03/12 #
The Fireplace Delusion : Sam Harriswww.samharris.org #
Useful Node.js Tools, Tutorials And Resourcescoding.smashingmagazine.com #
26 Node.js Tutorials and Toolspulse2.com #
A rare double knockout during an MMA fight in Californiadigg.tumblr.com #
Breaking the 4th Wall supercutmisscellania.blogspot.ca #
2013/03/11 #
A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering: Here come the encryption apps!blog.cryptographyengineering.com #
{{ mustache }}mustache.github.com #
Opmlparser - OPML parsing in Node.jsgithub.com #
Hosting multiple Express (node.js) apps on port 80nerdpress.org #
Vundle, the plug-in manager for Vimgithub.com #
2013/03/10 #
There are many fellow geeks among us who are intimately familiar with depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder. It helps to know you’re not alone.bluehackers.org #
28c3: Geeks and depression panelwww.youtube.com #
Tutorial on Antipatternswww.antipatterns.com #
Creating a REST API using Node.js, Express, and MongoDBcoenraets.org #
NodeCellar: Sample Application with Backbone.js, Twitter Bootstrap, Node.js, Express, and MongoDBcoenraets.org #
Speaker Deck - Share Presentations without the Messspeakerdeck.com #
Introduction to Node.js with Ryan Dahlwww.youtube.com #
Building an object oriented RESTful web with Express.jswww.youtube.com #
Intro the Express.js the web framework for Nodejswww.youtube.com #
My Bitcoin Wallet - Be Your Own Bankblockchain.info #
2013/03/09 #
Russell Brand: My life without drugswww.guardian.co.uk #
Longform - Recommends new and classic non-fiction from around the weblongform.org #
Arts & Letters Daily - ideas, criticism, debatewww.aldaily.com #
The Feature - A hand-picked selection of the finest articles and essays saved with Instapaperthefeature.net #
The Browser - Each day we recommend 5-6 pieces of reading that we think are worth your valuable timethebrowser.com #
Java 0day countdownjava-0day.com #
Pixar’s 22 Rules of Storytellingaerogrammestudio.com #
SURICATE - La Vie Sexuelle des Jeux Vidéo / Sex in Video Gameswww.youtube.com #
SURICATE - The Day The Earth Stopped Masturbatingwww.youtube.com #
SURICATE - Les Métiers Invisibles / Silly Jobswww.youtube.com #
Awkward Train Situationswww.youtube.com #
MakerBot demos 3D object scanner that fits on your deskwww.theregister.co.uk #
2013/03/08 #
A Devastating 26-Word Challenge to President Obama's Leadershipwww.theatlantic.com #
Salary Negotiations: Whats possible when there is no more money?www.articulateventures.com #
Wearable soundscape from Canadaarduino.cc #
2013/03/07 #
Are you my doppelgänger? Get in touch…doyoulooklikeme.wordpress.com #
Doppelganger: Desperately seeking my lookalikewww.bbc.co.uk #
QR Codify: The Most Useful Snippet I've Ever Writtenzacharyvoase.com #
Coffitivity - Increase Your Creativity!www.coffitivity.com #
2013/03/05 #
NoSQL, no security?www.slideshare.net #
Amazon Web Services - Overview of Security Processesmedia.amazonwebservices.com #
How to setup Log4j in a web appwiki.base22.com #
Coffeeshop Hackers Amsterdamcoffeeshophackers.nl #
JUnit tests with eclipsewww.youtube.com #
2013/03/04 #
Eclipse Build Path Set-up and Librarieswww.javahotchocolate.com #
RESTful Web Services with Java and Jerseywww.javahotchocolate.com #
JavaRanch - A Friendly Place for Java Greenhornswww.javaranch.com #
2013/03/03 #
What is your best programmer joke?stackoverflow.hewgill.com #
Creating a Web Application with Eclipsewww.youtube.com #
In Depressed Spain, ATMs That Dispense Free Cashwww.npr.org #
Time Lapse of Crowd Control in Tokyo Japan for Comic Marketmag.ma #
A Typical Jenna Marbles Daywww.youtube.com #
Timelapse-icus Maximus 2012 "A Burning Man for Ants" Tilt-Shift Time-lapsevimeo.com #
2013/03/02 #
Brazil (1985)www.imdb.com #
2013/03/01 #
Bradley Manning: The face of heroismwww.guardian.co.uk #
PhoneGap - build iphone apps with CSS, HTML5 and Javascriptphonegap.com #
Dennis Rodman 'friend for life' with North Korea leader Kim Jong Unespn.go.com #
Koozoo turns any old iPhone into a 24/7 spycamwww.theverge.com #
Paul Irish: WebKit for Developerspaulirish.com #