

Perhaps John Bercow can tell us his thoughts about Artificial Intelligence, I would be very interested to know, after all it's the next thing we will be dealing with after Brexit for a very long time, will we end up in body and mind effectively the property of algorithms? What about surveillance, once they are using the AI algorithms won't the watchers, who do nothing but watch (if we are lucky) own us? Or maybe we just somehow all become watchers? And when this does happen, won't questions become meaningless (the algorithm asking itself a question) and the world will only be made up of orders orders orders... Also the legal system, it gets replaced by the law of the algorithm, instead of relatively few rules (comparatively), there would be a rule for literally everything, every action of body and mind, and the rules will be unknowable, and it is for everyone, that's the future we might be heading towards (serious questions) #

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