

I've read several reviews of the new Ricky Gervais show After Life, I think it looks really interesting, there's this odd anticipation about it, a bit like when you're about to go for a swim in the North Atlantic, you know it will be good but also that it's going to be really bloody nippy, and also maybe this part of the Atlantic is the bit you're not meant to swim in, even though no such bit exists, it feels like such a bit might in fact exist, and actually maybe it would make more sense to just go and have a warm bath instead - these aren't regular feelings I get when watching a show trailer, I'm curious to know what it is that is causing me to feel this way in this case, perhaps that's why it looks interesting, and actually I'd also kind of like to know what it's like to be mean all the time, worth remembering that other shows about being mean all the time are probably #

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