

EU lawmakers voted to adopt new copyright rules - Pretty crappy result, I'm trying to find a way to see this in a positive light, maybe it's just a temporary shield until the EU internet tech sector develops more broadly with it's own identity, but also it's kind of dangerous because the old guard now have the power to squash new talent, is it harder to displace a massive multi-national government bureaucracy where lobbying and (propably) corruption is present or a set a multi-national corporations? At least with the corporations there is the chance of competition - If the shield is so effective that startups can't start, then what good is it, the real world equivalent of banning internet linking is banning talking or perhaps even thinking, IMO none of which are a good idea - Also I'd like to see an example of a law that doesn't get through the EU parilament, it's rather clear that it passes any law that the old guard wants, and disreguards the will of the regular #

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