

2019/06/03 #

  • Woke up this morning once again feeling like I had been repeatedly punched in the gut and stomach during the night, also my middle finger smaller knuckle has internal bruising, several days ago the same thing happened to my ring finger, also and this is more worrying, is that I had a strange taste and texture in my mouth, the only description that fits is "old cloth" - as you might be able to imagine I'm not particulary happy with the cunt universe at the minute - Oh yeah and also, I removed a load of ice from the freezer yesterday with a knife and this mornng there was a large patch of water around the fridge so I guess the power must have gone out during the night and most of the remaining ice in the freezer has melted - Update: the freezer continued to completely defrost, which is odd because the only way as far as I know to do that is to press the defrost button and I never pressed the defrost #

  • The Dark Side of Dark Mode - This article goes into rather a lot of detail about why dark mode is bad, I didn't read the whole article it's too long, but it's something I think about because I worry that looking at a bright screen for 8-15 hours per day is affecting my vision long term, if I look at a bright web browser for a while and close my eyes I can still see an outline of where the browser window was, and that probably isn't #

  • Donald Trump to land in UK amid rising anger over trade demands - I agree with the worryers in this case, I think a trade agreement would be a good idea, but maybe the US view a trade agreement as a way to buy parts of the UK (i.e. the NHS), which is a very different type of #

  • A Twitter thread about every day sexism that women experience delivered via the medium of classic #

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