

I've been pretty captivated by the sets from the AVA festival 2019 the past few days - There is nothing quite like a day time rave party, there's something it does to the brain which expects these music performances to be at night time, so when it's during the day it seems really quite surreal, it's like being in the mosh pit at a punk rock gig except they've somehow managed to turn all the energy into a completely different thing, it's the shear impossibility of it that makes it possible because each guy and gal realises the impossiilty but then they also immediately realise that they are there so it must be real, which creates a wave of euphoria through the crowd and the music keeps the whole thing suspended in time, I will say though to any young readers that want to get into music start with rock and roll on the radio and work your way towards the rave parties when you are older - This Myler set stood out to me because it's relentless right from the start, there's no messing around, straight into banging techno, I've been enjoying having it playing in the background as I write code and while unit and integration tests are runnning I switch to the video, watch all the flailling arms and legs, the crowd pumping, it's a real festival of movement, I think I'm dveloping some sort of fetish for watching people move a lot, the stranger the dancing the better - all the sets from the festival are worth #

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