

2019/08/16 #

  • Wework isn’t a tech company; it’s a soap opera - I didn't make it through the whole article, mostly read the beginning and skipped to the end (I read code, legal stuff not so much), but it sure looks like there is some intriguing stories behind all of #

  • Startup Success Outside Silicon Valley - Data from Over 200 Exits in 17 Cities - The standout figure in this article is France, every country listed is 1 order of magnitude less than silicon valley, but France is 2 orders of magnitude less than silicone valley - Now the french aren't dumbs dumbs, so what is going on here? Why do they have such a different pattern when it comes to tech investment? What are they seeing that the others aren't? #

  • The foods you'll really need to stockpile for a no-deal Brexit - Although it appears to be based on the same data as a similar article from 10 days ago (that I linked to), this one is saying the opposite, namely that there will likely be food shortages - Chocolate, cake, beef & pasta are among the listed #

  • 5 Interesting Uses of JavaScript Destructuring - Not sure I'd really use many of these in real life code, I hardly ever swap variables, arrays with lots of commas and missing values looks a little weird to me, defaults for array items yeah maybe, destructuring strings might actually be useful, destructuring dynamic properties meh...the code I write is way too boring for such fanciness :) #

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