

2019/08/19 #

  • Using Wall Street secrets to reduce the cost of cloud #

  • Vegetable joke is funniest gag at the Edinburgh Fringe - Some of the jokes in this are pretty #

  • Priti Patel planning to ‘end freedom of movement rights’ on 31 October - There is so much to unpack in this one Brexit article, Priti Patel is the UK Home Secretary, her background is very interesting, she's from Uganda but presumably based on her name is of Indian ancestory, in the early 70s a lot of indians got kicked out of Uganda, a coup d'etats was necessary, because they had come to dominate much of the Ugandan economy - Anyway enough of the history lesson go read wikipedia - So on her policies that on the surface might seem like a good idea, but in reality won't restricting immigration to knowledge workers create a big imbalance in society? And also enforcing english speaking skills will have a negative effect on Brits wishing to move abroad because now they will have to learn the language of their intended destination, learning english is a lot safer bet than learning most other languages in the world, better would be to offer government paid english lessons to new arrivals, and / or free languages lessons for Brits wanting to move #

  • Indians in Uganda - "There is a sizable community of people of Indian origin living in Uganda, but it is less than in previous times. In 2003, there were an estimated 15,000 people of Asian descent (majority Indians and Pakistanis) living in Uganda compared to approximately 80,000 before they were expelled by dictator Idi Amin in 1972" #

  • An Guide to Working With #

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