

2019/10/19 #

  • - This is a list of software (SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc.) and other offerings that have free tiers for #

  • Coffee Is Hard - A short peice about coding old school computer games, life and death, and the start of the HN comment thread is really nice #

  • Working out before breakfast has ‘profound’ effects on overall #

  • Catalonia has created a new kind of online activism - New activist groups are using technology to organize protests anonymously, it's kind of complicated because on the one hand people need to be able to protest because society and life changes and the state needs to be able to adapt, but also you don't want to destabilise everything whenever there is some problems, I hope the different sides don't get to entrenched with these issues and #

  • The new Firefox WebSocket inspector that is already in FF developer edition will be released in devtools for Firefox #

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