Your Daily Podcasts Playlist Makes Finding Your Next Favorite Show Easier Than #
2019/11/20 #
Thousands flock to Wikipedia founder's 'Facebook rival' #
The 40% #
Astronomers Detect Water Vapor Around Jupiter's Moon #
Some interesting news from JQuery - They have migrated the code base from AMD to ES #
Local-first software - you own your data, in spite of the cloud - I've read about this concept before, and I'm really interested in it, I was looking at the Native File System API a few days ago, only the user has to add access to the file system each time at tab opens which makes it impractical to use with local copies of the #
Native File System #
Elon Musk’s Starlink Satellites Are Already Causing a Headache for #
Linux's commands and tricks I'm using in my daily job as a developer - The most useful one here is probably the ssh tunnel to a database command, but I use quite a lot of these too, for instance watch is really #