An abbreviated history of JavaScript package managers - Quite technical but worth the time to read if you are working with Nodejs as there are lots of useful #
2020/01/06 #
AdminBro - a Modern Admin Panel for Node JS - This doesn’t render very well on mobile but I find the idea for the project interesting, being able to quickly spin up an admin UI on a Nodejs based app would be very cool, and I like that it isn’t tied into a specific product, because usually the admin panel is tied to the product like for example #
Ray Kurzweil on what the future holds next (2018) - The entire interview was fascinating, but what struck me most having listened to it today was how common sense it all sounds, I think if I had listened to such an interview say 5 years ago I either wouldn’t have believed it was real or it would have melted my mind - Also if everything happens at logarithmic rates as he says then these “no way / melted mind” situations are going to start happening a lot more frequently, perhaps even daily, which I imagine might get quite annoying and tedious, maybe just post a link to your linkblog and move on with the rest of the day... [full disclosure in case you didn’t realise, I founded and run, but honestly, posting to my linkblog is one way I deal with overwhelm] #
Finnish PM calls for a 4-day-week and #
The Cambridge Analytica scandal is making another appearance, apparently there are more documents that reveal global manipulation by a network of shell companies that affect how politics is funded in the US and #
New Year, New Rights - What to know about California’s new privacy #
John Gruber from Daring Fireball asks some important questions following the NYT piece about US citizens being tracked - I worry about the recent announcement that the quality of GPS data is about to get a bump of an order of magnitude from meters to centimetres precision, what applications would need such high precision? The matrix I guess... in an attempt to be vaguely positive about this I ask - maybe it will run nodejs? #