

2020/01/14 #

  • Difference between Ionic and Cordova - These are two popular frameworks used for mobile app development using HTML/CSS/Javascript, but they differ in where they are in the stack, Cordova provides access to the mobile device hardware and has many plugins, Ionic is more of a presentation layer, accessing the hardware via #

  • 1917’s VFX artists had to totally reinvent how films are #

  • It's Easy to Be a Jerk on Twitter And Twitter Wants to Fix That - The thing that I’m mildly fascinated about in this interview, but it’s something I’ve noticed in the past few interviews I’ve read from Twitter folks recently, is how the language to describe Twitter has evolved so much since the beginning - I really feel that they are starting to get into a more consistent flow for describing their product, a lot of times I’m nodding along even though the thing that they are describing is very abstract and new (10 years isn’t that long considering it’s a new medium), it’s starting to feel slightly ‘more real’ #

  • Some of my Twitter lingo favourites from the previous Wired interview: Mechanics, Vector, Context, Dimension, Conversations, Fireside chat, Relevancy, Balance of incentives, Account level, Content level, Interestingness, Timelineness, The follow graph, Topic taxonomy, Corpus of #

  • How is computer programming different today than 20 years ago? - Facts lightly sprinkled with #

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