

2020/01/24 #

  • Bert Belder talk on Deno the javascript runtime that might replace NodeJS - Since it has so many key features built in, It certainly looks like it cuts right through a lot of the complexity that has built up in NodeJS over the past 10 #

  • Inside node - What happens when we execute a script? - Great article that deep dives into the node execution - It’s relatively easy to understand even though there is some C++, it’s mostly the path the code takes that‘s highlighted, also briefly looks at the node source directory structure, and the location of the C++ - Javascript #

  • Demonstration of llnode and how it could be used with lldb to debug C++ and JS code in node (both postmortem and in live apps) - I’ve been wanting to be able to do this for ages, would be amazing if it were possible to run something similar from right inside an IDE next to or part of the regular #

  • There’s No Need To Hate Web Components - I’d like to see some decent examples of web components being used with React/Vue/Angular, and to understand why server side rendering is so difficult, will it ever be possible? Web components do seem like a good idea, but it is an entire extra layer which has the potential of introducing a bunch of #

  • Extensions in Firefox 72 - The first release on the new Mozilla 4 week release cycle, so not as many items as usual but still a few of interest including info about 3rd part network requests, CSP policy for content scripts in extensions, more click meta data, write support for storage.local from devtools, and an onChange listener for browser #

  • acquires CodeNewbie which runs the CodeLand conference and a handful of dev related #

  • Playwright is a Node library to automate the Chromium, WebKit and Firefox browsers - This looks like the next generation of Puppeteer, it’s by the same development team, the API looks very nice, not sure this makes complete sense but it sort of makes me think of a jquery but for browser #

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