

2020/01/28 #

  • IoT security - Your smart devices must have these three features to be secure in the #

  • Don't start with React - I’m feeling the message highlighted by the author, it’s a good idea to learn the basics of how the browser works, but be careful because the stark reality is that it takes a lot of time and on the other end 98% of jobs on job boards require React/Vue/Angular, even the backend jobs, oh yeah and now Typescript, and you can guess that this pattern will continue, when you get there, there will be yet another set of minimum requirements - in a lot of cases your resume won’t even reach the employers #

  • The iPad Awkwardly Turns 10 - This piece by John Gruber is getting quite a lot of attention - Several years ago I had an iPad, I really liked it, it was exactly as he describes, very easy to use, but I never got another so I was unaware of these UI issues in the latest versions - The fact that the iPad is turning into vim where you have to know the exact combination of obscure gestures to get out is kind of #

  • How new tech can help the UK’s creative industry flourish - Some interesting figures, there are close to 6 million small businesses in the UK, about 1/4 of the population works for a small business - It's going to be important for small businesses to be successful, they create a vibrant and diverse #

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