

2020/03/04 #

  • HTML - The Inaccessible Parts - A living document from Dave Rupert chronicling some of the inconsistencies in #

  • Data-driven JAMstack with Sourcebit - I spent much of the early part of my career building file ingest workflows for media companies, these companies deal with lots of files, often big files, and they have to move them around and modify them - I've noticed that ingest workflows are viewed differently depending on the context, in machine learning companies for instance, the ingest workflows aren't so much about ingesting files, but about pulling in data from various APIs, and then processing the data - Anyway all to say, it's interesting to see the static website site generation space building tools for API based ingest workflows, this particular tool Sourcebit has taken a cli approach to creating configuration files that power the data ingest and processing - It's also interesting to me because I have recently been writing my own static site generator tool, and working with a lot more #

  • Mozilla moves from using IRC to Matrix, with their first instance in full #

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