These tiny, medical robots could one day travel through your body #
2023/06/02 #
Advanced Fastify: Hooks, Middleware, and Decorators - It's been a while since I've looked at the fastify project, really liking the plugin and hooks systems, not to mention express compatibility #
Node.js built-ins on Deno Deploy - This is awesome. The deno team are on a phenominally good run of consistent and impressive releases. I really want to try out their platform for some apps. #
Vanilla With Candy Sprinkles - A heck of an impressive demo app, so many options and global too. Would be cool to try out the platform too. I especially like how easy it is to spin up databases. #
tj/node-migrate - Abstract migration framework for node - Database migrations can be tricky, but if you have the right tools, it's much easier. This library is database agnostic, which is awesome, and has a very express middleware vibe to it, also awesome. Of course it does, it's from tj. #
Leaders have signed the US-Taiwan Initiative on 21st Century Trade in Washington which aims to strengthen economic ties. China has denounced the move, and has previously described such negotitations as 'extremely dangerous'. #
🚀 New Post: Organising my RSS feeds #